Boring myself silly: download VS/SQL/Press slides
If you have access to the MCP site, you can now download the slides and transcribed presentations from the Visual Studio 2008 cert, SQL Server 2008 cert and Microsoft Press "how to be a technical author" live meetings from last month. We transcribe them so you (MCPs) can borrow and use in presentations/to share in your organization, etc. Find them here.
This is so boring. Not the slides, they are good. But typing about them is another story. A particularly boring story.
I've lost my spark.
I'm just bored sick.
As ballast, a short list of non-boring things for your consideration.
- Bears in Alaska
- Burning Man
- Under Pressure, the song
- Crimson Skies
- Berlin's night life
- Beirut's night life
- Step Up II: the Streets!!!!!
March 06, 2008
You and me both... But on the bright side, Microsoft have released the TS exams for Windows Server 2008 (70-640,70-642,70-643), and the vouchers have gone out! As a minus to that, the voucher can only be used ONCE for any ONE of those exams - ie not 1 use per exam like it was sold as... SIGHAnonymous
March 06, 2008
My understanding was that there would be one voucher for the TS tests and one for the ITP tests. So 2 40% vouchers for 5 total tests.Anonymous
March 06, 2008
+1 ChrisAnonymous
March 06, 2008
nope... 1 40% voucher for ONE of the 3 tests (640, 642, 643), and 1 40% voucher for ONE of the remaining 2 tests (647 or 648). sad.Anonymous
March 06, 2008
sorry, that is what i thought Chris meant. You are correct... "1 40% voucher for ONE of the 3 tests (640, 642, 643), and 1 40% voucher for ONE of the remaining 2 tests (647 or 648)" where were you told otherwise? Doesn't seem too sad to me. Seems nice, actually.Anonymous
March 07, 2008
That is what I meant. I agree... it's quite nice. $50x2= almost the cost of a test. ChrisAnonymous
March 07, 2008
Would the voucher work on one of the upgrade tests? (I don't recall.) You could get the equivalent of 640+642 or 640+642+643 all in one test with one voucher that way, if it is allowed.