
FASTSearch for sharepoint The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway.

Setup for a non-admin node for FASTSearch for Sharepoint 2010 was failing. Deployment.xml, IPSec rules on the admin node all looked correct. Connectivity and name resoultion all appeard to be solid in the domain. Examining the installer logs located in C:\FASTSearch\var\log\installer were not very much help. The logs show that when connectivity to the admin node failed the installer starting rolling back the changes.

Further troubleshooting I tried running Set-FASTSearchIPSec and received the following error:

Set-FASTSearchIPSec : The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway.
At line:1 char:20
+ Set-FASTSearchIPsec <<<<  -Create -Verbose
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-FASTSearchIPSec], SystemE
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad G

Bad Gateway? Interesting.


Since FAST is configured to use a service account I logged into both the admin node, and the future non-admin node with the service account credintials. I cleared the the "automaticly detect proxy settings" on both nodes. I was now able to run the Set-FASTSearchIPSec with the following results:

cmdlet Set-FASTSearchIPSec at command pipeline position 1

Supply values for the following parameters:

(Type !? for Help.)

UserName: 207195DOM\FAST

Password: ********

VERBOSE: Configuring FASTSearch IP Security

VERBOSE: Validating input parameters

VERBOSE: Checking if current user is in local Administrators group...

VERBOSE: Successfully verified that current user is in local Administrators


VERBOSE: Testing Domain user credentials...

VERBOSE: Successfully tested domain user credentials

VERBOSE: Successfully validated input parameters

VERBOSE: Reading hostconfiguration...

VERBOSE: Successfully read hostconfiguration

VERBOSE: Removing existing IP Security rules...

VERBOSE: Successfully removed existing IP Security rules

VERBOSE: Creating IP Security rules...

VERBOSE: Setting up IPSec to admin node...

VERBOSE: Successfully created IPSec to admin node

VERBOSE: Downloading deployment.xml from admin node...

VERBOSE: Successfully downloaded deployment.xml from admin node

VERBOSE: Removing IPSec rules to admin node...

VERBOSE: Successfully removed IPSec rules to admin node

VERBOSE: Parsing deployment.xml...

VERBOSE: Successfully pared deployoment.xml

VERBOSE: Setting up IPSec to all nodes...

VERBOSE: Successfully created IPSec to all nodes

VERBOSE: Successfully created IP Security rules

VERBOSE: Successfully finished configuring IP Security

Configuration wizard now completes successfully.


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