
New UAG DirectAccess Troubleshooting Content on the TechNet Wiki

imageTroubleshooting is always a challenging topic. Challenging from the point of view of the person who has to do the troubleshooting, and challenging to the product group who wants to provide valuable troubleshooting information so that you can solve your troubleshooting issues.

Because information on troubleshooting is so dynamic, we need a way to share information on what we learn about troubleshooting as soon as possible. For this reason, we’ve decided to publish UAG DirectAccess troubleshooting information to the TechNet wiki. With the TechNet wiki, we can provide you “just in time” information about how to troubleshoot problems you might encounter with UAG DirectAccess.

And even more important, if you find that you have a valuable troubleshooting information that will help other UAG DirectAccess admins, you can share that information on the TechNet wiki!

As we begin this effort, we’ve created a main UAG DirectAccess troubleshooting page – Forefront UAG DirectAccess Troubleshooting . On this page you will find useful links to UAG DirectAccess troubleshooting content. Right now, you’ll find links to the following wiki docs:

The great utility of the wiki is that if you find other UAG DirectAccess troubleshooting information, you can add to this list – as another logged onto the wiki can edit and enhance the content. Make sure to add the RSS feed for this page so that you receive automatic updates when this troubleshooting page is updated.



Tom Shinder
Knowledge Engineer, Microsoft DAIP iX/Forefront iX
UAG Direct Access/Anywhere Access Group (AAG)
The “Edge Man” blog (DA all the time):
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