
New easy-to-remember URL for the Test Lab Guides portal page: https://microsoft.com/testlabguides

Hey TLG acolytes,

When you are going door-to-door evangelizing Test Lab Guides (TLGs) to your friends and neighbors, you invariably get the following question: Where do I go on the web to learn more about these interesting and compelling evaluation content deliverables?

Your answer is https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/1262.test-lab-guides-en-us.aspx (which is quite a mouthful). Usually at this point, the conversation falls off a cliff as your friend or neighbor conveniently remembers that they have to dress a child, put out a fire, change a bandage, or something.

Well, curse the long URL no more. You can now tell them to go to microsoft.com/testlabguides and they will be immediately redirected to the TechNet Wiki Test Lab Guides portal page (where the really long URL goes as well). You can also use https://aka.ms/tlgs.

Here's hoping your next foray into evangelizing TLGs ends up with an invite inside to scan the contents of this crucial online resource, and that the child is dressed, the fire is out, and the bandage is fresh. :>


Test Lab Guides: Wanna make something of IT?


Joe Davies
Principal Writer