
Contributing to TLGs Part 4: Writing a troubleshooting scenario

A fourth way that you can contribute to Microsoft Test Lab Guides (TLGs) is to publish a test lab troubleshooting scenario in the TechNet Wiki. A test lab troubleshooting scenario demonstrates the results of a misconfiguration or other type of common problem and guides the reader through the root cause determination and correction. Test lab troubleshooting scenarios extend a troubleshooting TLG and are designed to give the readers additional troubleshooting practice with tools and methodologies for solving common problems in a technology, feature, product, or solution.

For example, the Test Lab Troubleshooting Scenario: DirectAccess client cannot detect the intranet due to incorrect DNS record contains the following sections:

  • Introduction. Explain the context for the troubleshooting scenario and the problem you are emulating.
  • The procedure to break the configuration. Explain the steps to create the problem and experience the results.
  • The procedure to discover the root cause. Explain the troubleshooting methodology to perform the root cause analysis, leading to the determination of the problem.
  • The procedure for correcting the problem. Explain the steps to correct the configuration.

The process for publishing your own troubleshooting TLG is the following:

  1. Determine the test lab environment for your troubleshooting scenario. This should be the Base Configuration test lab or the test lab based on another modular TLG.
  2. Create the content and publish. Use the Wiki: Test Lab Troubleshooting Scenario Template in the TechNet Wiki as a starting point. If you use this template, your troubleshooting scenario will have the same structure and boilerplate text as other published troubleshooting scenarios, allowing readers to more easily experience the troubleshooting scenario based on your instructions. After documenting the troubleshooting process (the steps and verifying that they work), publish the troubleshooting scenario as a single topic in the TechNet Wiki.
  3. Tell the world. To make sure that others in the community know about your troubleshooting scenario, do the following:
    • Update the Test Lab Guides TechNet Wiki topic with a link to your new troubleshooting scenario in the "Test Lab Troubleshooting Scenarios" section.
    • If there is a TechNet Wiki portal page for the test lab (for example, DirectAccess Test Lab for Windows Server 2008 R2), update it with a link to your new troubleshooting scenario.
    • Send a quick email to tlgfb@microsoft.com. Tom Shinder or I will announce your new troubleshooting TLG in the Test Lab Guides blog, in Twitter, and on Facebook.
    • Advertise your new creation using your own social media outlets.


Write on! 

Joe Davies
Principal Writer
Windows Server Information Experience