
Windows Management Framework (WMF) v4.0 Details and Download

Because we want as many people as possible to benefit from our work, we intend to release a new version of Windows Management Framework (WMF), namely a version 4.0. To reach this end, we are also providing a Preview for Windows Management Framework 4.0.

Windows Management Framework 4.0 Preview contains updated functionality available for installation on Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1, and Windows Server 2012. WMF 4.0 Preview contains updated version of the following features:

  • Windows PowerShell
  • Windows PowerShell ISE
  • Windows PowerShell Web Services (Management OData IIS Extension)
  • Windows Remote Management (WinRM)
  • Windows Management Infrastructure (WMI)

All the information on this Preview release is in the article, “Windows Management Framework 4.0 Preview Now Available”.  Be sure and read the article closely.  It has workarounds, gotchas, and prerequisites you need to consider for testing this release of WMF. Go get the download on the Microsoft Download Center.

Previews for Windows Server 2012 R2 and other products in this wave of products can be downloaded at the Microsoft Evaluation Center.

Written by Keith Combs, Microsoft Server and Tools Marketing.