
Relax and Play at TechEd North America 2013

There’s no denying it, the technical training and knowledge download that you are going to receive at TechEd will be more than enough to make your head spin! However, we’re all in this to have some fun as well.  So, in this post, we’ve collected the 4-1-1 on the fun, games and leisurely activities that you can expect at TechEd North America from the Server-Cloud-Tools team to make this the trip of the year – be sure to add these items to your list of things to do to make the most out of your visit to TechEd North America! 

Great Games to Play

  • TechEd is my playgroundGet sweet on the Cloud OS TechEd North America Sweepstakes.  While you’re at the conference, be sure to stop by the Server-Cloud-Tools booth at TechEd and pick up a sweet treat to take care of your chocolate fix of the day. That’s right, we’ll be handing out special edition TechEd North America chocolate bars to tempt you, and inside you will find a ticket with a serial number that could win you some cool Microsoft swag or a Kinect for Xbox 360 Prize Pack! Just hang on to the ticket and follow @MSCloud on Twitter to see if you’re a winner.  Two Microsoft swag pack winners will be called at Noon, 3 pm and 6 pm CT daily, through June 6th, with two final Kinect for Xbox 360 grand prize winners to be called at 7 pm CT on June 6th! Remember to hang onto those golden tickets through the final drawing to see if you’re a winner! If your number is called, you will have two hours to email MSCloudOS@live.com to claim your prize.  See the Server-Cloud-Tools booth for the complete set of rules.
  • Take your chances and take the SQL Server Answer & Question Challenge on Twitter! For TechEd North America attendees and non-attendees alike, follow @SQLServer on Twitter, watch for the ‘answer of the day’ to be tweeted at approximately 8 am CT and reply with the hashtag #SQLTechED and your question to the answer to be automatically entered in the daily drawing for a PowerStick.  Enter the final day of the conference on June 6th for the ‘Daily Double’, where you could win PowerStick and a hoodie.  See full contest details for more information.
  • Trek on over to the Modern Business Applications area to enter the daily sweepstakes for a bike!   While you’re at TechEd North America, please visit us at the Modern Business Applications area and take part in the booth challenges! Participate in 1,2,3 or all 4 of these challenges and earn a prize for each challenge you complete.  Finish all 4 challenges and you’ll be entered in the daily drawing for a Trek bike!

Relax and Unwind

  • Kick back and relax in The Lounge.   If you need a few minutes to relax, unwind, and recharge your electronics, come take a breather in The Lounge, where you can refuel with beverages, and snacks while following our live Twitter feed on big screen monitors.  While you’re here, check out our daily schedule to find out when you can take part in our daily T-shirt and bead giveaways, or have your photo taken in our Photo Booth. 
  • Jam the night away.   Join in on the fun at the House of Blues New Orleans on Tuesday, June 4th from 9 pm – 1 am.  This free event is open to attendees and guests, and you are invited to jump up on stage and show off your talents.  You will have access to lyrics, instruments (drums, keyboard, percussion, mics & amps), sheet music and a complete sound and lighting system. 
  • Let’s go out in style!   The conference may be over, but from 7:30 pm to midnight on Thursday, June 6th, attendees and guests join us at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome for the Closing Attendee Party.  (Guest passes are available for purchase and are required for individual who are not registered to attend Microsoft TechEd North America 2013.) You won’t want to miss this spectacular event as TechEd transforms the Mercedes-Benz Superdome for an evening of fun, TechEd style! At the party, you can enjoy a great lineup of local music, attempt a field goal, or even try a quarterback pass.  What a great way to end the week!

For more helpful information on TechEd North America 2013, come back and visit us each day during the conference to read the latest news from the event floor.  See also 11 Ways to Get the Most Out of TechEd and how to Stay Connected to TechEd from Anywhere (it's easy!).