
Cloud Delivered, Microsoft Presents TechEd 2013

Ready to get out of the office and get some serious training for your next technology project?  Microsoft TechEd North America or TechEd Europe is the place to do that.  With over 400 technical sessions in nine learning tracks, New Orleans or Madrid are the places to be. 

Join Microsoft Corporate Vice President, Brad Anderson, as he kicks off TechEd North America on June 3rd in the USA and TechEd Europe on June 25th in Spain.  Garner deep insight on Microsoft’s vision for public and private cloud computing, or test it hands on with over 200 labs in a custom learning environment. 

Network with your peers and enjoy the best food and entertainment the area has to offer!  Hear more about these events from Brad Anderson himself in his latest blog post and then register at https://www.msteched.com before it’s too late!