
Windows Phone 7 Marketplace Tokens for Australian Based Developers

I thought I would share this great post from my teammate, Dave Glover as it includes some awesome resources for Phone 7 developers and also great vlaue because he has a limited number of Windows Phone 7 Marketplace Tokens for free signup on to the Marketplace valued at $150

You can also download the free of charge Windows Phone 7 Developer and Designer tools from https://create.msdn.com, be sure to apply the Windows Phone Developer Tools October 2010 Update and see the links below for a great set of resources and reference materials.

Oh and Believe it, Windows Phone 7 is Real

Windows Phone 7 Sales Off to a Promising Start, First Step in a New Era of Mobile

Learn more about Windows Phone 7

IDC: Windows Phone 7 marketplace ramping up “faster than Android”


Windows Phone 7 App Challenge/Competition

Be sure to check out the competition running over at MSDN, some awesome prizes, so there are no excuses and you’ve got to in to win and you can enter as many applications as you like!!

Criteria for a Windows Phone 7 Marketplace Token

  1. You must be an Australian based Developer and register under Australia on the Marketplace Portal
  2. In good faith you'll sign up on Marketplace when you receive your token and publish an Windows Phone 7 an app (ideally a couple) within the next month or two, hey a fun project for the holiday period :)

Token Request Process

Click this link to email Dave Glover with your nomination details.  Please include in your email a very brief description of your app, it will be treated in confidence.

If for whatever reason the link does not work for your email client then email as follows:-

    • Email: dglover@microsoft.com
    • Subject: Windows Phone 7 Marketplace Token Nomination
    • Body: Brief summary of your app

Windows Phone 7 Marketplace Registration Process

Head to https://create.msdn.com to register; when you get to the payment section there is an option to use the token.

You can find information on how to sign up on Marketplace at

Some great resources



Get the download here.

And download the sample code from the book here.


Must have and written by Nick Randolph, Australian Windows Phone MVP!!
