
Silverlight Game – Part 3 - Using Linq to XML to read and generate the levels

This is part three in a series of 5 posts showing how I built a simple game in Silverlight,  you can follow along (reading the posts in order) to build your own Traffic Jam game.

I would recommend that you also go through ScottGu’s silverlight tutorials as well as the other tutorials on www.silverlight.net

In Part 2 we created some Cars to place on the board, in this post we will read the level information and place the Cars accordingly.

I have attached a number of xml files to this post with level information.  You can create a folder in your project called Levels and add the xml files to this folder.

Each level has it’s own LEVELX.XML file and a level is represented as a number of cars:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

1. Read from the level xml file and draw the cars

To draw the cars on the level, we simply read the contents of the XML file using Linq to XML, and then walk through the data and create a new car for each element.

In order to use System.XML.Linq you need to add a reference to System.Xml.Linq.dll and add  using System.Xml.Linq;

private void AddCars(string levelName)
    XDocument levelDoc = XDocument.Load("Levels/" + levelName + ".xml");

    var cars = from car in levelDoc.Descendants("CAR")
               select new
                   Orientation = car.Attribute("ORIENTATION").Value,
                   Length = Int32.Parse(car.Attribute("LENGTH").Value),
                   Row = Int32.Parse(car.Attribute("ROW").Value),
                   Column = Int32.Parse(car.Attribute("COL").Value),
                   Color = car.Attribute("COLOR").Value

    foreach (var car in cars)
        Orientation orientation;
        Color color = GetColorFromName(car.Color);
        if (car.Orientation == "HORIZONTAL")
            orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
            orientation = Orientation.Vertical;

        AddCar(orientation, car.Length, color, car.Row, car.Column);

The GetColorFromName method is a helper method that translates the color string to an actual Color.

private Color GetColorFromName(string color)
    switch (color)
        case "WHITE":
            return Colors.White;
        case "BLACK":
            return Colors.Black;
        case "RED":
            return Colors.Red;
        case "BLUE":
            return Colors.Blue;
        case "YELLOW":
            return Colors.Yellow;
        case "GREEN":
            return Colors.Green;
        case "PURPLE":
            return Colors.Purple;
        case "ORANGE":
            return Colors.Orange;
            return Colors.Black;

In order to keep track of which calls are used and not the page has a

bool[,] Filled = new bool[6, 7];

member variable.

AddCar adds the cars to the canvas and marks the slots as occupied… 

private void AddCar(Orientation orientation, int length, Color color, int row, int col)
    Car c = new Car(orientation, length, color, row, col);
    Mark(row, col, length, orientation, true);
    c.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, col * 60.0);
    c.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, row * 60.0);

private void Mark(int row, int col, int length, Orientation orientation, bool filled)
    //mark positions as filled or unfilled
    if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            Filled[row, col + i] = filled;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            Filled[row + i, col] = filled;

2. Reset the board after previous levels

The InitializeLevel method removes all cars from the board (created when displaying previous levels), resets Filled as well as moves (int)
and displays all the cars for this level.

private void InitializeLevel(string levelName)
    moves = 0;
    tbMoves.Text = "0";


    //clear filled
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
            Filled[i, j] = false;

    //remove all the cars from previous rounds

    //add new cars and squares

Call InitializeLevel(“Level1”) from the Page constructor, build and run the application.

3. Add code to show new levels when the user selects a level in the combo

In the XAML for the cboLevel combo box add the eventhandler for SelectionChanged, if you type SelectionChanged=”  and tab out it will generate it automatically in the code behind.

Add the following code to the eventhandler.

if (cboLevel != null)
    string level = ((ComboBoxItem)cboLevel.Items[cboLevel.SelectedIndex]).Content.ToString();
    tbLevel.Text = level.Substring(5);

Now you can build and run the application to browse around among the levels.  Unfortunately at this point this is a pretty useless application since you can’t really move the cars around.  That is what we’ll do in the next post.



  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2009
    This is part three in a series of 5 posts showing how I built a simple game in Silverlight, you can follow

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2009
    You forgot to mention that you need to declare movess as a page variable: int moves;

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2009
    .NET ASP.NET Routing performance compare to HttpHandler LINQ on Objects Performance Why My ASP.NET Application&#39;s

  • Anonymous
    July 28, 2010
    hi... why when i Call InitizialLevel(Level1) in Page constructor, there's an error, it's said there's no content Level1. I've been follow your tutorial. Thx