
DFSR - Come configurare i log del servizio

Il log del servizio DFSR è già attivo di default e ha anche un livello di dettaglio elevato (Informational = 4). Il log file DFSRxxxxx.log viene creato nella cartella  “%windir%\debug” dove risiedono anche i 100 file di log precedenti che sono stati compressi come file DFSRxxxxx.log.gz. Lo storico dei file può essere incrementato da 100 al numero che desideriamo, questo è utile in particolari casi di troubleshooting dove è necessario avere uno storico maggiore. I log hanno diversi parametri di configurazione. Nella seguente tabella riporto tutti i parametri:






Path to create debug log files at

Local folder path



Log level severity

1 – 5



Boolean to turn logging on or off




Count of debug log files

1 – 10,000



Lines per debug log file, before moving to the next log file

1,000 to MAXDWORD*


I valori della DebugLogSeverity sono:

  • Critical Info (1)
  • Errors (2)
  • Warning (3)
  • Informational (4) = Default
  • Trace (5)

Per modificare i parametri della tabella Microsoft consiglia di utilizzare il “WMI Command line interface” (WMIC) con i seguenti comandi:

Debug Log File Path
WMIC syntax: wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrmachineconfig set debuglogfilepath="d:\dfsrlogs"

NB: La cartella deve essere creata prima di configurarla con il comando sopra altrimenti il sistema userà la cartella di default non trovando la cartella nel comando.

Debug Log Severity
WMIC syntax: wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrmachineconfig set debuglogseverity=5

Debug Log Messages
WMIC syntax: wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrmachineconfig set maxdebuglogmessages=400000

Debug Log Files
WMIC syntax: wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrmachineconfig set maxdebuglogfiles=200

Non è necessario fare un riavvio del servizio DFSR o del server per far prendere le modifiche. Per verificare se i parametri sono stati presi potete usare il seguente comando:

dfsrdiag DumpMachineCfg /Mem:DFSRServer1

Dopo questa breve spiegazione su come configurare i log possiamo procedere a vedere come leggere i log.

Come interpretare i log del servizio DFSR

All’interno dei log ci sono molte sigle e acronimi che devono essere capiti per poter analizzare i log. Il più importante fra tutti è il Global Version Sequence Number, GVSN. Questo numero è il guid del database in cui è avvenuta l’ultima modifica e la versione.

{DatabaseGuid}-v{version No} .

Un esempio:

20070314 18:02:39.246 1688 LDBX 3548 Ldb::Insert Inserting idRecord: ß Nuovo record inserito nel DB

+ fid 0x200000000015D ß File ID e USN sono riferiti al Journal NTFS

+ usn 0x3f98680

+ uidVisible 0 ß Non è stato ancora “committed”

+ filtered 0 ß Il file non rientra in quelli filtrati

+ journalWrapped 0

+ slowRecoverCheck 0

+ pendingTombstone 0 ß Il file non è stato cancellato.

 + recUpdateTime 16010101 00:00:00.000 GMT

+ present 1

+ nameConflict 0 ß Non ci sono conflitti

+ attributes 0x20 ß Attributo del file

+ gvsn {3823B980-8436-4D70-8BA8-5A6DFDBF9EA9}-v14 ß GVSN = Guid di chi ha originato questo cambiamento

+ uid {3823B980-8436-4D70-8BA8-5A6DFDBF9EA9}-v14 ß UID= Guid di Chi ha creato il file/folder

+ parent {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}-v1 ß GUID della cartella superiore-parent

+ fence 16010101 00:00:00.000

+ clock 20070314 17:02:39.216 ß Ora UTC del “change”

+ createTime 20070314 17:02:39.216 GMT ß Ora UTC della creazione

+ csId {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}

+ hash 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000 ß File/Folder hash

+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ name New Text Document.txt ß Nome del file o della cartella

Per poter risalire al server su cui è stata fatta la modifica dal GUID possiamo usare il tool DFSRDiag che tra le varie opzioni per fare trohbleshooting ha l’opzione Guid2Name.


C:\ >dfsrdiag guid2name /guid:{ 3823B980-8436-4D70-8BA8-5A6DFDBF9EA9} /RGName:rgname

   Object Type : DfsrVolumeInfo

   Computer : PIPPO.MB.COM

   Volume Guid : 7CF914D4-1B2D-11DB-AE4E-806E6F6E6963

   Volume Path : C:

   Volume SN : 3900110954

   DB Guid : 3823B980-8436-4D70-8BA8-5A6DFDBF9EA9

Operation Succeeded


Per semplificare la comprensione dei log di debug ho inserito alcune delle comuni operazioni che vengono fatte su file e directory con i relativi pezzi di log per poter interpretare i log di debug.

Operazioni sui File

● File filtrato dal USN Consumer perché nella lista dei file da filtrare.

20070320 11:29:25.030 1624 USNC 1254 UsnConsumer::ProcessUsnRecord Filtered USN_RECORD:


+ RecordLength: 80

+ MajorVersion: 2

+ MinorVersion: 0

+ FileRefNumber: 0x20000000001a0

+ ParentFileRefNumber: 0x4000000002960

+ USN: 0x29f0220

+ TimeStamp: 20070320 11:29:24.940 W. Europe Standard Time

+ Reason: Close Rename New Name

+ SourceInfo: 0x0

+ SecurityId: 0x224

+ FileAttributes: 0x20

+ FileNameLength: 14

+ FileNameOffset: 60

+ FileName: AAA.tmp

● File non replicato perché è una modifica non presa in considerazione dal USNConsumer.

20070320 11:44:03.523 1624 LDBX 3665 Ldb::Update Updating idRecord:

+ fid 0xD0000000030C8

+ usn 0x29f6a60

+ uidVisible 1

+ filtered 0

+ journalWrapped 0

+ slowRecoverCheck 0

+ pendingTombstone 0

+ recUpdateTime 20070320 10:40:21.654 GMT

+ present 1

+ nameConflict 0

+ attributes 0x2020

+ gvsn {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v25 ß Il GSVN non viene incrementato

+ uid {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v15

+ parent {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}-v1

+ fence 16010101 00:00:00.000

+ clock 20070320 10:40:21.644

+ createTime 20070301 14:50:12.910 GMT

+ csId {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}

+ hash 7F941AAB-BBC7047F-AD048620-9754AE10

+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ name attribute.txt

20070320 11:44:03.523 1624 USNC 1879 UsnConsumer::UpdateUsnOnly USN-only update from USN_RECORD:


+ RecordLength: 88

+ MajorVersion: 2

+ MinorVersion: 0

+ FileRefNumber: 0xd0000000030c8

+ ParentFileRefNumber: 0x4000000002960

+ USN: 0x29f6a60

+ TimeStamp: 20070320 11:44:03.513 W. Europe Standard Time

+ Reason: Basic Info Change Close

+ SourceInfo: 0x0

+ SecurityId: 0x354

+ FileAttributes: 0x2020

+ FileNameLength: 26

+ FileNameOffset: 60

+ FileName: attribute.txt

· Modifica di un file

20070320 11:48:36.085 1624 LDBX 3665 Ldb::Update Updating idRecord:

+ gvsn {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v28 ß Il GSVN viene incrementato

+ uid {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v15

+ parent {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}-v1

+ fence 16010101 00:00:00.000

+ clock 20070320 10:48:36.075

+ createTime 20070301 14:50:12.910 GMT

+ csId {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}

+ hash 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ name attribute.txt


20070320 11:48:36.085 1624 USNC 2202 UsnConsumer::UpdateIdRecord ID record updated from USN_RECORD:


+ RecordLength: 88

+ MajorVersion: 2

+ MinorVersion: 0

+ FileRefNumber: 0xd0000000030c8

+ ParentFileRefNumber: 0x4000000002960

+ USN: 0x29f7ae0

+ TimeStamp: 20070320 11:48:36.075 W. Europe Standard Time

+ Reason: Close Data Overwrite Data truncation

+ SourceInfo: 0x0

+ SecurityId: 0x354

+ FileAttributes: 0x20

+ FileNameLength: 26

+ FileNameOffset: 60

+ FileName: attribute.txt

· File spostato fuori dal Replication Folder ( o cancellato e messo nel cestino )


20070320 11:59:05.520 1624 LDBX 3665 Ldb::Update Updating idRecord:

+ fid 0xD0000000030C8

+ usn 0x29f9390

+ uidVisible 1

+ filtered 0

+ journalWrapped 0

+ slowRecoverCheck 0

+ pendingTombstone 0

+ recUpdateTime 20070320 10:54:08.303 GMT

+ present 0

+ nameConflict 0

+ attributes 0x20

+ gvsn {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v30

+ uid {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v15

+ parent {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}-v1

+ fence 16010101 00:00:00.000

+ clock 20070320 10:59:05.520

+ createTime 20070301 14:50:12.910 GMT

+ csId {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}

+ hash 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ name attribute.txt


20070320 11:59:05.520 1624 USNC 2599 UsnConsumer::TombstoneOrDelete ID record tombstoned from USN_RECORD:


+ RecordLength: 80

+ MajorVersion: 2

+ MinorVersion: 0

+ FileRefNumber: 0xd0000000030c8

+ ParentFileRefNumber: 0x2000000002aa5

+ USN: 0x29f9390

+ TimeStamp: 20070320 11:59:05.520 W. Europe Standard Time

+ Reason: Close Rename New Name

+ SourceInfo: 0x0

+ SecurityId: 0x354

+ FileAttributes: 0x20

+ FileNameLength: 14

+ FileNameOffset: 60

+ FileName: Dc7.txt

● File cancellato senza metterlo nel cestino ( Shitf + canc ).

20070320 12:08:00.379 1624 USNC 2599 UsnConsumer::TombstoneOrDelete ID record tombstoned from USN_RECORD:


+ RecordLength: 104

+ MajorVersion: 2

+ MinorVersion: 0

+ FileRefNumber: 0x20000000001d7

+ ParentFileRefNumber: 0x4000000002960

+ USN: 0x29fbca8

+ TimeStamp: 20070320 12:08:00.379 W. Europe Standard Time

+ Reason: Close File Delete

+ SourceInfo: 0x0

+ SecurityId: 0x354

+ FileAttributes: 0x20

+ FileNameLength: 40

+ FileNameOffset: 60

+ FileName: Filedacancellare.txt

● Creazione file.

20070320 13:13:17.103 1648 LDBX 3665 Ldb::Update Updating idRecord:

+ fid 0x20000000001F4

+ usn 0x2a0edc8

+ uidVisible 1

+ filtered 0

+ journalWrapped 0

+ slowRecoverCheck 0

+ pendingTombstone 0

+ recUpdateTime 20070320 12:13:05.597 GMT

+ present 1

+ nameConflict 0

+ attributes 0x20

+ gvsn {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v38

+ uid {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v37

+ parent {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}-v1

+ fence 16010101 00:00:00.000

+ clock 20070320 12:13:17.103

+ createTime 20070320 12:13:05.537 GMT

+ csId {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}

+ hash 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ name Creazionefile.txt


20070320 13:13:17.103 1648 USNC 2202 UsnConsumer::UpdateIdRecord ID record updated from USN_RECORD:


+ RecordLength: 96

+ MajorVersion: 2

+ MinorVersion: 0

+ FileRefNumber: 0x20000000001f4

+ ParentFileRefNumber: 0x4000000002960

+ USN: 0x2a0edc8

+ TimeStamp: 20070320 13:13:17.103 W. Europe Standard Time

+ Reason: Close Rename New Name

+ SourceInfo: 0x0

+ SecurityId: 0x354

+ FileAttributes: 0x20

+ FileNameLength: 34

+ FileNameOffset: 60

+ FileName: Creazionefile.txt

Operazioni su Directory

Di seguito una lista di log generati da operazioni su fatte su directory all’interno del “Replication Folder”.

● Copia di una Directory nel “replication folder”

20070320 13:32:24.103 1648 LDBX 3548 Ldb::Insert Inserting idRecord:

+ fid 0x20000000001FF

+ usn 0x2a12e38

+ uidVisible 0

+ filtered 0

+ journalWrapped 0

+ slowRecoverCheck 0

+ pendingTombstone 0

+ recUpdateTime 16010101 00:00:00.000 GMT

+ present 1

+ nameConflict 0

+ attributes 0x10

+ gvsn {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

+ uid {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

+ parent {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}-v1

+ fence 16010101 00:00:00.000

+ clock 20070320 12:32:24.103

+ createTime 20070320 12:32:24.103 GMT

+ csId {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}

+ hash 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ name Cartellamovein

20070320 13:32:24.103 1648 USNC 2448 UsnConsumer::CreateNewRecord ID record created from USN_RECORD:


+ RecordLength: 88

+ MajorVersion: 2

+ MinorVersion: 0

+ FileRefNumber: 0x20000000001ff

+ ParentFileRefNumber: 0x4000000002960

+ USN: 0x2a12e38

+ TimeStamp: 20070320 13:32:24.103 W. Europe Standard Time

+ Reason: File Create

+ SourceInfo: 0x0

+ SecurityId: 0x379

+ FileAttributes: 0x10

+ FileNameLength: 28

+ FileNameOffset: 60

+ FileName: Cartellamovein


20070320 13:32:24.103 1648 LDBX 3665 Ldb::Update Updating idRecord:

+ fid 0x20000000001FF

+ usn 0x2a12e90

+ uidVisible 0

+ filtered 0

+ journalWrapped 0

+ slowRecoverCheck 0

+ pendingTombstone 0

+ recUpdateTime 20070320 12:32:24.103 GMT

+ present 1

+ nameConflict 0

+ attributes 0x10

+ gvsn {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

+ uid {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

+ parent {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}-v1

+ fence 16010101 00:00:00.000

+ clock 20070320 12:32:24.103

+ createTime 20070320 12:32:24.103 GMT

+ csId {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}

+ hash 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ name Cartellamovein


20070320 13:32:24.103 1648 USNC 1879 UsnConsumer::UpdateUsnOnly USN-only update from USN_RECORD:


+ RecordLength: 88

+ MajorVersion: 2

+ MinorVersion: 0

+ FileRefNumber: 0x20000000001ff

+ ParentFileRefNumber: 0x4000000002960

+ USN: 0x2a12e90

+ TimeStamp: 20070320 13:32:24.103 W. Europe Standard Time

+ Reason: Close File Create

+ SourceInfo: 0x0

+ SecurityId: 0x379

+ FileAttributes: 0x10

+ FileNameLength: 28

+ FileNameOffset: 60

+ FileName: Cartellamovein


● Cancellazione/spostamento Directory

20070320 13:35:25.944 1648 LDBX 3665 Ldb::Update Updating idRecord:

+ fid 0x20000000001FF

+ usn 0x2a12e90

+ uidVisible 1

+ filtered 0

+ journalWrapped 0

+ slowRecoverCheck 0

+ pendingTombstone 1

+ recUpdateTime 20070320 12:32:24.143 GMT

+ present 1

+ nameConflict 0

+ attributes 0x10

+ gvsn {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

+ uid {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

+ parent {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}-v1

+ fence 16010101 00:00:00.000

+ clock 20070320 12:32:24.103

+ createTime 20070320 12:32:24.103 GMT

+ csId {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}

+ hash 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ name Cartellamovein


20070320 13:35:25.944 1648 LDBX 4064 Ldb::InsertWalkerJob Inserting dirWalkerJob:uid:{497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43 moveType:MoveOut (2) at time:20070320 12:35:25.944

20070320 13:35:25.994 1648 DIRW 581 DirWalkerTask::QueueMoveoutJob Queueing move-out uid:{497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43 fid:0x20000000001FF

20070320 13:35:25.994 2096 DIRW 256 DirWalkerTask::Run Start walking directory.

20070320 13:35:25.994 2096 DIRW 1208 DirWalkerTask::MoveoutStep Starting to process move-out job. uid:{497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

20070320 13:35:25.994 2096 DIRW 1233 DirWalkerTask::MoveoutStep Iterating children of uid: {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

20070320 13:35:26.004 2096 LDBX 3665 Ldb::Update Updating idRecord:

+ fid 0x20000000001FF

+ usn 0x2a12e90

+ uidVisible 1

+ filtered 0

+ journalWrapped 0

+ slowRecoverCheck 0

+ pendingTombstone 0

+ recUpdateTime 20070320 12:35:25.944 GMT

+ present 0

+ nameConflict 0

+ attributes 0x10

+ gvsn {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v44

+ uid {497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

+ parent {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}-v1

+ fence 16010101 00:00:00.000

+ clock 20070320 12:35:25.944

+ createTime 20070320 12:32:24.103 GMT

+ csId {B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408}

+ hash 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+ name Cartellamovein


20070320 13:35:26.004 2096 DIRW 101 DirWalkerTask::Job::Finish MoveOut csId:{B00F0EB3-9AB5-4261-A192-EC4D81273408} uid:{497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

20070320 13:35:26.004 2096 DIRW 786 DirWalkerTask::RemoveJob Removing job type:2 uid:{497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

20070320 13:35:26.004 2096 LDBX 4100 Ldb::DeleteWalkerJob Deleting dirWalkerJob. uid:{497C35B7-22CB-48DA-A83A-FE64BD14AC64}-v43

20070320 13:35:26.004 2096 LDBX 1228 LdbManager::UpdateVersionVectorCache Wake up callback 00AD5750

20070320 13:35:26.004 2096 DIRW 303 DirWalkerTask::Run Exit.

20070320 13:35:26.004 1648 USNC 2025 UsnConsumer::TombstoneIdRecord Directory tombstoned or deleted from USN_RECORD:


+ RecordLength: 72

+ MajorVersion: 2

+ MinorVersion: 0

+ FileRefNumber: 0x20000000001ff

+ ParentFileRefNumber: 0x2000000002aa5

+ USN: 0x2a13430

+ TimeStamp: 20070320 13:35:25.944 W. Europe Standard Time

+ Reason: Close Rename New Name

+ SourceInfo: 0x0

+ SecurityId: 0x379

+ FileAttributes: 0x10

+ FileNameLength: 8

+ FileNameOffset: 60

+ FileName: Dc11

Matteo Belloni
Support Escalation Engineer
Microsoft Enterprise Platform Support


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Ciao Daniele, scusami ma ero in ferie. Con il seguente comando vedi tutta la configurazione e anche il livello del log dfsrdiag DumpMachineCfg /Mem:DFSServerName Machine Configuration Parameters:   ConflictHighWatermarkPercent   : 90   ConflictLowWatermarkPercent    : 60   DebugLogFilePath               : C:WINDOWSdebug   DebugLogSeverity               : 4   <------- Log severity   Description                    :   DsPollingIntervalInMin         : 60   EnableDebugLog                 : TRUE   EnableLightDsPolling           : TRUE   LastChangeNumber               : 1   LastChangeSource               :   LastChangeTime                 : 20050830140044.000000-000   MaxDebugLogFiles               : 200   MaxDebugLogMessages            : 400000   RpcPortAssignment              : 0   StagingHighWatermarkPercent    : 90   StagingLowWatermarkPercent     : 60 by Matteo

  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2010
    Ciao Matteo, ho un Windows 2008 R2 con DFSr che utilizza CPU in modo anomalo. L'utilizzo di CPU è causato dal processo DFSrs.exe con continue chiamate a EtwTraceMessageVa. Il cliente dice di non aver attivato alcun tracing e non ho trovato come disbailitare il tracing sul DFSr. Hai qualche idea?