
Mindjet Should Listen to their Customer Evangelists

From my point of view, Kyle McFarlin is just the type of person that Mindjet should be enabling!  From his latest blog post, it looks like he loves MindManager (Mindjet's core product) so much he wants to become a "Mindjet Certified Trainer", but he's having a bit of difficulty.  If I were still at Mindjet, here's what I would do:

  1. If he meets the certification requirements, make him a certified trainer.
  2. Aggregate his blog on the Mindjet Labs or the Mindjet Blog.
  3. Do an in-depth interview on video of why he loves MindManager so much: post the video interview everywhere.
  4. Do a case study about his Visual Strategist Solution
  5. Ask him what Mindjet could be doing better (besides the obvious)
  6. Ask him how he would make MindManager better
  7. Bring him to customer visits.

Go ahead, Mindjet, enable this great evangelist!
