
App of the Week - IMDb

It has happened to me on multiple occasions that I was in a heated debate with a friend about a movie we have seen recently and whether a certain actor played in it or not. Since me and most of my friends are movie and/or tv series aficionados, discussions about recently seen movies come up a lot. And by "a lot" I mean basically every time we meet. Mostly we end up betting on whether or not an actor has taken a role in a certain movie or who directed it and so on. Besides my movie & TV series addiction, this is the main reason why the IMDb app has become one of my most used apps. For those of you who haven't heard of IMDb (Internet Movie Database): Basically, it's a huge collection of information around movies and TV series.

The IMDb app, of course, is capable of a lot more than just determining the outcome of the bet you have just made with your buddies. I really can't say it better than the declared goal of IMDb which states: "We aim to list every detail about every movie and TV show ever made, including who was in it, who made it, the plot, user ratings, trailers, photos, reviews, quotes, goofs, trivia and much more. "...and they are getting pretty close to that!

The main functionality of the app (or: the things I mostly use) includes:

  • Search in the worlds largest database around movies and series with over 1.5 million movies/series and over 3.2 million actors, actresses, directors and crew members
  • Read elaborate details on each movie, series, actor and so on
  • Watch the trailers of the movies
  • Get news about upcoming movies
  • Rate and comment on movies and take a look at the best voted movies (e.g. IMDb Top 250)
  • Find new movies you might like while browsing through the top movies by genre
  • Take a look at the Box Office results of recently released movies


With this app you have access to all the information you need and much more. And all this is packed in a really neatly looking app that works very smoothly and also is free! The only downturn for Swiss users is the fact that information about currently running movies in cinemas around you doesn't work for Switzerland (so far..). There also would be a function to show you your television programm with a lot of additional information but that too, doesn't work in Switzerland.

If you are as much into movies and TV series as I am, this app is certainly a must-have! If you haven't installed it already, download it here 

What is your favorite App? Let us know in the comments!

I hope you'll like it & have fun!


Lead Student Partner St. Gallen