
List mailboxes with delegates.

The script checks for the mailbox with delegates. If delegates are available , it gather delegate details and exports the details to CSV file.




 write-host "The Script Started and gathering mailbox list" -foregroundcolor "Green"  
$MBXList =  get-mailbox   -resultsize Unlimited | where {(!$_.name.startswith("SystemMailbox")) -and (!$_.name.startswith("FederatedEmail")) -and (!$_.name.startswith 
("DiscoverySearchMailbox")) -and (!$_.name.startswith("Microsoft System"))}  
$MBXList | foreach-object { 
    $Alias = $curMBX.Alias  
    $DB = $curMBX.database 
    $SAName = $curMBX.samaccountname 
    $DName = $curMBX.DisplayName 
    $PEmail = $curMBX.PrimarySMTPAddress 
write-progress -activity "Checking the MBX for delegates " -status "Currently processing the MBX(alias) :     $Alias" -percentcomplete (($curgrpmplt/ 
    $WithDel = Get-CalendarProcessing  $Alias | where{$_.resourcedelegates -notlike ""}  
        if(($WithDel|measure).count -gt 0) 
        $DelDN = $WithDel.ResourceDelegates | ForEach { $_.DistinguishedName }  
        $DelDN | foreach-object { 
        $DelLst = New-Object Object 
        $DelMBX=Get-mailbox -identity $curDel 
add-member -input $DelLst -membertype noteproperty -name "OwnerName" -value $Alias -ea silentlycontinue  
add-member -input $DelLst -membertype noteproperty -name "OwnerSamAccountName"  -value $SAName  -ea silentlycontinue  
add-member -input $DelLst -membertype noteproperty -name "OwnerDisplayName"  -value $DName      -ea silentlycontinue  
add-member -input $DelLst -membertype noteproperty -name "OwnerEmail"  -value $PEmail   -ea silentlycontinue  
add-member -input $DelLst -membertype noteproperty -name "DelegateDisplayName"  -value $DelDName  -ea silentlycontinue  
add-member -input $DelLst -membertype noteproperty -name "DelegateEmail"  -value $DelPEmail  -ea silentlycontinue      
##$DelLst | select-object OwnerName,OwnerSamAccountName,OwnerDisplayName,OwnerEmail,DelDisplayName,DelEmail | Export-csv -path c:\test\test.txt -append 
$combine | Export-csv OwnerDelegateList.csv 
write-host "The Script completed" -foregroundcolor "Green"


What the script does,

- Script collects the list of mailboxes.

- Checks for delegates for each mailbox.

- If the delegates present, then the details are exported to CSV file.

- Please make the changes in below location in the script to your need,

   $combine | Export-csv OwnerDelegateList.csv

- The scripted tested with Exchange 2010 and Windows 2008 R2.

- You could download the script from https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/office/List-mailboxes-with-6686d352