
Imagine Cup 2018 – first information for Central Europe

It's that time of year again and Imagine Cup is about to start. Today we want to give you a short heads-up on what's coming up during the next couple of months.

Microsoft’s Imagine Cup 2018 is our global student technology competition designed to be the stage to present the ideas and projects of students to the world.

Imagine Cup 2018This year Round 1 of Imagine Cup 2018 will focus on a Central Europe wide competition bringing together the best ideas from Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Projects are clustered by this year's focus technologies Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Mixed Reality. However, teams can also participate in the Wild Track and come up with something completely different.

How does it work?
This year we offer students the possibility to participate in one of three Student Innovation Hacks where Microsoft Professionals will help students enhance their idea. The Hacks will take place in Zurich, Munich and Karlsruhe throughout spring. The winning team of each Hack will move on to the World Finals representing the Central Europe region.

A fourth slot at the World Finals in the United States is awarded to the best project handed in through the Online Finals. All other submissions from the Student Innovation Hacks will also be considered in the Online Finals.

As every year, the best project at Imagine Cup can win big, like $100k big. The four teams winning our Central Europe Regional Finals will advance to the World Finals in July 2018.

Imagine Cup 2018 Information

For more Information about the Student Innovation Hacks and registration please visit our Event Homepage. Additional information about the competition can be found in the Central Europe Regional Competition Rules as well as the Imagine Cup 2018 Rules & Regulations.

In case you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Register now for the Student Innovation Hack in Zurich or stay tuned for the overall Imagine Cup Online Finals and the upcoming hacks in Munich and Karlsruhe!

Feel free to forward this blog article and any information to colleagues, students and whoever might be interested. We are looking forward to seeing the ideas of students becoming real.

Until then, code with purpose and best wishes,
Your Imagine Cup Team

Dream it. Build it. Live it.