
Three Node.js Bootcamps Coming to West Coast -- Learn Node.js From the Bottom Up

Node.js is a server side software system designed for writing scalable Internet applications, notably web servers. Programs are written on the server side in JavaScript, using event-driven, asynchronous I/O to minimize overhead and maximize scalability.

Four of these events are happening on the West Coast in February. 

Mountain View is happening February 2.

Los Angeles is scheduled for February 23.

Seattle is happening on March 30.


What is a Node.js Boot Camp?

Node Boot Camp is a free event for developers and designers who want to learn Node.js from the ground up with hands-on instruction from Node experts in the community. No prior Node experience is necessary to attend. At Node Boot Camp you’ll learn how to build your first Node application from scratch, how to work with popular Node.js development tools and editors, how to work with popular 3rd party Node frameworks, and how to deploy your applications to production hosting environments.

What’s the agenda?

8:30 am – Network and Breakfast.

9:00 am – Start. Fundamentals.

10:00 am – Deployment.

10:30 am – App Development. The Basics.

12:00 pm – Lunch.

12:30 pm – App Development. Basic + Advanced.

1:30 pm – Hackathon.

4:30 pm – Presentations.

5:00 pm – Prizes and Finish.

How Do I Register?

To secure your seat in this event, please register by clicking on your city.



This event is free of charge. 
Attendees are responsible for booking and paying for their own travel and accommodation.



Email your questions to nishab@microsoft.com