
Strider URL Tracer with Typo-Patrol

Microsoft Research vient de proposer son Strider URL tracer . Cet un outil a pour but d'aider à lutter contre le typosquatting, opération consistant à acheter un nom de domaine à l’apparence très proche d’un site connu (ex: miicrosoft.com, microssoft.com etc..).

URL tracer recherche les variantes d’un nom de domaine en générant une liste de possibilités. L’internaute a alors la liberté de bloquer depuis ce logiciel tout ou partie des variantes.

“When a user visits a Web site, her browser may be instructed to visit other third-party domains without her knowledge. Some of these third-party domains raise security, privacy, and safety concerns. The Strider URL Tracer, available for download, is a tool that reveals these third-party domains, and it includes a Typo-Patrol feature that generates and scans sites that capitalize on inadvertent URL misspellings, a process known as typo-squatting. The tool also enables parents to block typo-squatting domains that serve adult ads on typos of children's Web sites…”

La suite sur la page officielle : https://research.microsoft.com/URLTracer/
