
Where's Lynn in April 2008?

Lynn's hiding in her books again!

Many of you have been pinging me - 'where are you?', 'we missed you at this event, that event? ' etc...Yeah, I've been hermit-like, writing and researching my new book.  I will be out-and-about in SoCal in April and here's where I'll be.  As I said at last week's event, if you can't find me, then you are just not looking ;) !

This week
1. SPEAKING on Wednesday, April 16th 6:30 pm - to San Gabriel Valley .NET UG in Monrovia on BI - more info here

Next week
1. ATTENDING on Tuesday, April 22, at 8 pm - in Westchester (near LAX), .NET geekDinner - sign up here
2. ATTENDING on Wednesday-Friday, April 23-25 all day, near LAX, Silverlight 2.0 class - auditing it so you don't have to! 
3. ATTENDING on Saturday - Sunday, April 26-27 a wedding in Las Vegas (well, I know this isn't work - but if you are in Vegas, text me then!)

Week after
1. ATTENDING on Monday & Tuesday, April 28-29 - in LA - brainstorming dinner & meeting with invited WCF influencers and the product group (if you have suggestions, input or feedback about WCF/WF - send it to me NOW)
2. ATTENDING on Tuesday, April 30, at 6pm in Santa Monica - Digital Drinks LA - sign up here
3. SPEAKING on Saturday, May 3, time TBD in San Diego at BarCamp San Diego on my non-profit work in Africa - more info about BarCamp here

Other stuff
**Don't forget to register for SQL Server 2008 Firestarter - May 17 at Microsoft in Irvine, CA - a free event which provides technical info for BOTH ITPros and Devs**
**Also, I'm webcasting LIVE weekly at 12-1 pm PST, co-hosting my geekSpeak MSDN webcast series - info here**
