
SoCalDevGal asks ‘Want 5k? – Can YOU code a killer Cloud app?’

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From the site…GOOD LUCK and happy coding!

“new CloudApp() is a US-based developer challenge for .NET & PHP developers creating cloud applications or services (hereafter "application") on the Azure™ Services Platform. Have your application judged by industry leaders Om Malik and Michael Cote and share your cloud coding skills with other developers. Grand Prize Winners will be announced on stage at Structure 09 and featured on azure.com .   Register and submit your application now! – there are three contest categories (listed below):

1) .NET Applications- Create a .NET application running on Windows Azure.
2) PHP Applications - Build a PHP application running on Windows Azure.
3) Community Winner - A community winner will be chosen in addition to the individual category winners determined by Michael Cote and Om Malik. Starting June 19th through June 29th, your friends and peers will be allowed to vote for their favorite application to determine the Community winner. Spread the word about your application through your blog and Twitter.

Winning submissions will:

  • Be featured on www.azure.com as well as at major Microsoft events
  • Be featured in a video interview on Channel 9
  • Be announced at Structure 09
  • Receive cash ($):
    • NET App Category winner: $5,000 VISA gift card
    • PHP App Category winner: $5,000 VISA gift card
    • Community winner: $2,500 VISA gift card


  • April 30: Contest Open
  • June 18: Submission deadline
  • June 19: Community voting starts
  • June 25: .NET & PHP category winners announced @ Structure 09
  • June 29: Community voting ends
  • June 30: Community winner announced

Getting Started

  1. Sign up for the Azure Services
  2. Download the SDKs and Tools
  3. Learn more about the Azure Services
  4. Tutorial videos are also available here
  5. More info on deploying PHP applications on Windows Azure

Need Microsoft Development Tools?

  • Students can get Visual Studio to write a .NET application through Microsoft DreamSpark
  • Startup companies can use BizSpark to get software licenses and developer tools
  • Developers can also use the free Visual Studio Express to get started “
