Perfect Code -- from Wolfram MathWorld
Does is really look like this?
Although always interested in math, I've never had the opportunity to have a formal math education. I have been kicking around the idea of going back to school to pursue an advanced degree in math, because, well..math just really interests me. I mean, who else do you know who actually reads stuff like this for fun?
There are also other ways of thinking mathematically that have always appealed to me. For example, I find myself being fascinated by beautiful patterns - whether man-made, or in nature. And then there's the musical connection too...ah so, little time, so much to see; I guess that's why this blog is called 'Contagious Curiousity', right?
June 21, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 21, 2007
I have read it and I enjoyed it.Anonymous
June 22, 2007
Mathematica is a very cool program! I'm only scratching the surface of it since I am using it in my continuing math education. Strangely, when I was younger, I was never much of a math geek. But, as I get older, I find it a very useful skill to have. Besides, isn't math what us programmer types do for fun? ;)