
looking for September geekSpeak registration links?

Due to a glitch in scheduling - the ONLY way to join the September geekSpeak shows live each Wednesday from 12-1 pm PST  is by clicking the Live Meeting link on the geekSpeak blog at https://blogs.msdn.com/geekSpeak

As usual, we'll post recorded shows up to Channel9

Also for September be sure to download the Live Meeting 2007 client

Beginning again in October, the geekSpeaks will be listed on the MSDN webcast site

I am looking forward to 'seeing' you on the next geekSpeak!

For reference here's the September line-up

Sept 5 – Shawn Wildermuth – Silverlight development

Sept 12 – Ted Malone – SSRS advanced custom development

Sept 15 – Richard Herrera – Silverlight development from the perspective of a Flash developer

Sept 26 – Tobias Thernstrom – Advanced T-SQL query techniques