MARS Orbit in Small Basic
I wrote many programs as the solutions for monthly challenges. Today I will introduce a couple of my solutions.
M A R S orbit - suggestion for JUNE challenge of the month is one of a community challenge by YLed in this month.
drawing MARS orbit,
I searched this forum and no one have thought to
What seems simple as challenge, draw the orbit of Mars with Small Basic.
In our course of physics, we had draw the orbit of Mars on graph paper, using Kepler's Law.
NASA videos Galleries: Video: Orbits and Kepler's Laws
A General Equation for Orbital Speed
Motion in the Heavens, Project Physics Text and Handbook Volume 2
For this challenge, I wrote two programs. One is to visualize Kepler's Second Law. The program ID is CXZ359.
You can change e (eccentricity) and see how different the planet speed whether near a focus or not. At the beginning, I planed to use a part of this program to write orbit animation. But I found a following site, I changed the plan.
Keplerian Elements for Approximate Positions of the Major Planets (NASA/JPL)
Then finally I wrote the second program with the equations provided by JPL above. The program ID is CLJ212-5.
You can use mouse and [Right] [Left] arrow keys and [Home] [End] keys to select date.
Thank you YLed for providing such an attractive challenge.
- Anonymous
June 13, 2016
I'm still amazed by this program, one of your top 5 , if not the best of all your programs. I like astronomy, I 'm still surprised by this planetarium, especially that it was written in modern BASIC language, this is in my opinion a beautiful program to share with the small BASIC community.Fantastic works ! - Anonymous
June 13, 2016
This is really cool. Great topic, guys! - Anonymous
June 15, 2016
nice wrk nonky again))i updated ur CXZ359 and added a moving star, so it becomenow a demo about star mowing round a blackhole: CXZ359-0