Introduction to Microsoft’s Small Basic by Martin Fish - Class 1
We've got some great curriculum here from one of our favorite educators! Let's get to it!
This is an introductory lesson plan from one of our favorite middle school teachers, Mr. Fish, who teaches at Mason Middle School in Mason, Ohio. So you can start this off for your first class session! And big thanks go out to the Mason students for sharing your teacher with us! =^)
Introduction to Small Basic - Class 1
- Watch Video #1 - Introduction to Small Basic (the video above)
- Following the video, create your first “Hello, World” program using Small Basic
- Create a “Small Basic” folder in your H: drive
- Save your “Hello, World” program to your Small Basic folder in your H: drive
- Watch Video #2 - Small Basic Syntax (the video above)
Modify the Title property of the TextWindow object in your “Hello, World” program so that it is descriptive of the program.
- Find or create a poem of at least 5 lines. Using the TextWindow object and the WriteLine operation, create a computer program in Small Basic that prints your poem to the TextWindow, with each line of the poem appearing on its own line in the window. (HINT: YOU CAN USE <CTRL-C> TO COPY AND <CTRL-V> TO PASTE WITHIN THE SMALL BASIC EDITOR.)
- Don’t forget to use comments at the beginning of the program to explain what it is.
- Modify the Title property of the TextWindow object so that it describes your program.
Be sure to include lines at the end that state
The original author’s name
The source for the poem, if it is not original
- Save your program to the appropriate folder in your H: drive.
- Reply in a comment below with a link to your poem/program to show it to us!
- Here is my code:
- Here is my output:
A big shout out goes to Martin Fish on a great lesson plan! Thank you!
Have a Small and Basic week!
- Ninja Ed
January 27, 2016
UPDATE: I added the second video about Syntax, from Martin.Anonymous
February 08, 2016
Very helpful introduction!Anonymous
February 15, 2016
Tom, glad it's helpful!Anonymous
February 15, 2016
SEE ALSO: Small Basic Curriculum Videos! by Mr. Adams