
Office 365 Weekly Digest | Week of August 7 - 13, 2016


Note: The information below may not be posted to your Office 365 tenant as not all notifications apply to all tenants.


Updated Feature: Modern document libraries

Posted: August 10, 2016 | Urgency: Normal | Category: Stay Informed | Action: Awareness | We’re improving grouped views in modern document libraries. Views that have more than one level of grouping configured will now display properly when using the modern document library UX. First release customers will begin seeing this change on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 and will continue rolling out through the month of August. We have made improvements to the performance of modern document library views. Users should experience faster loading views, and smoother scrolling and selection behavior, especially views that have many custom columns visible. There is nothing you need to do to prepare for this change. Additional information can be found in the following blog post - https://blogs.office.com/2016/06/07/modern-document-libraries-in-sharepoint.


New Feature: Copy files and folders from OneDrive to SharePoint

Posted: August 10, 2016 | Urgency: Normal | Category: Plan for Change | Action: Awareness | We’re adding the ability to copy files and folders from OneDrive for Business to SharePoint team sites and Office 365 groups. First Release customers will begin seeing this new feature in August. We will begin rolling out globally, in a few weeks. Users will see this new feature when they select a file in OneDrive for Business and click Copy to. In the Choose destination pane, users will see their SharePoint sites and Office 365 groups in the Recent, Frequent, and Followed lists. Currently, this feature has a 50-MB file size limit. Support for copying larger files is in the works and expected to be fully rolled out by early next year. Users can copy files from OneDrive for Business to SharePoint sites only if the admin has turned off scripting for personal sites in the SharePoint admin center (under Settings > Custom Script). If scripting is turned on, the option to copy to sites or groups won’t show up for users. To read more about this new feature including how to turn off scripting for personal sites, please visit https://support.office.com/article/Copy-files-and-folders-from-OneDrive-for-Business-to-a-SharePoint-site-67a6323e-7fd4-4254-99a8-35613492a82f.


Updated Feature: Simplified sharing from OneDrive for Business from the web

Posted: August 10, 2016 | Urgency: Normal | Category: Plan for Change | Action: Awareness | We’re updating the user experience for sharing files and folders in OneDrive for Business from the web. We'll be gradually rolling this out to First Release customers starting in mid-August and we expect to complete by mid-September. This new sharing experience simplifies the flow of emailing links to colleagues and guests and copying links to the clipboard. Like the original experience, the new experience presents two choices to users who want to share: type email addresses to send a link in email, or copy a link to the clipboard. Both the “Email link”* and “Get a link” command support all three types of links in OneDrive, including anonymous access links (accessible by anyone), company shareable links (accessible to those within your organization) and restricted links (accessible to a custom set of users both in and outside your organization). This allows users to more easily choose their method of sharing (email or copying to clipboard) while retaining the full set of permissions choices. You should update user training and notify your help desk. Please visit https://support.office.com/article/89d8c6fa-a70c-4a31-b536-9f6fe94e97bc to learn more.

*Note: As part of this feature rollout, the "Share" command will appear as "Share link" or "Email link" for some users. This is expected behavior and a part of our validation and fine-tuning process. Before rollout is complete the finalized text will be deployed to all users.


Announcing Yammer Mobile Application Management through Microsoft Intune

Posted: August 11, 2016 | Urgency: Normal | Category: Stay Informed | Action: Awareness | Yammer Mobile Application Management through Microsoft Intune is a new feature and will be available for iOS and Android beginning August 11, 2016. Admins needing the ability to restrict usage of the Yammer mobile app are now able to do this through Microsoft Intune. More details are available at https://support.office.com/article/76f5c4c9-6a4e-43d1-87dc-2848a90686be.


New Feature: Message Center translation

Posted: August 12, 2016 | Urgency: Normal | Category: Stay Informed | Action: Awareness | In an effort to make Office 365 communications more relevant to you, no matter the language you speak, we are introducing new functionality in the Office 365 Message Center to allow you to personalize your view. Based on your feedback, we are implementing the ability to translate messages, into the language of your choice. Machine translation of communications allows you to ensure our notifications are relevant and clear. The translation and filtering options will appear in the Message Center over the coming weeks. Message Center translation will be available in August, and no action is required. The default language is English, and this can be configured in the “Settings” gear at the top right of your Admin Center. If you'd like to learn more about change management and communications in Office 365, please visit https://blogs.office.com/2015/05/05/manage-change-and-stay-informed-in-office-365.


We are evolving Office 365 Video

Posted: August 12, 2016 | Urgency: Normal | Category: Stay Informed | Action: Awareness | We recently announced a new business video service called Microsoft Stream. This was in response to the success we’ve seen with Office 365 Video and our desire to also have a business video service available to non-Office 365 customers. As such, we are working to converge Office 365 Video and Stream into a single solution. While Stream is in preview, Office 365 Video and Stream will coexist as two separate services. We are working on plans to converge Stream and Office 365 Video together. Office 365 Video and Stream will converge at the time when we are able to bring the same features, IT controls, compliance, and integrations (Delve, SharePoint Home, Enterprise Search, etc…) that are available today with Office 365 Video into the new converged business video solution. We are recommending you continue to use Office 365 Video. When we are ready with the new converged solution we will ensure that all existing videos, metadata, links, and embed codes from Office 365 Video will persist into the new converged Microsoft Stream solution. Office 365 Video will get a new name, upgraded UI, and new features. We’ll keep you informed via message center, when any changes are coming. If there are any actions you need to take, we’ll be clear in how you prepare for the change. Please visit https://stream.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/microsoft-stream-and-office-365-video/preview for additional information.


UPCOMING EVENTS Azure Active Directory Webinars for August

Are you looking to deploy Azure Active Directory quickly and easily? We are offering free webinar briefings on key Azure Active Directory deployment topics! Sessions include: Preparing for Azure AD, Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication, Self-Service Password Management and more. Each 1-hour briefing is designed to support IT Pros in quickly rolling out Azure Active Directory features to their organization. All webinars are free of cost and will be followed by Q&A with our Engineering Team. Capacity is limited. Sign up for one or all of the sessions today!


Online Immersion Experience: Boost  your productivity with Windows 10 and Office 365

When: Every Wednesday in August, 10:00am – 11:30am PT or 12:00pm – 1:30pm PT | Boost your productivity with Office 365 and Windows 10. An online immersion session is not your typical online event. These 90-minute interactive sessions start with an online roundtable discussing your business challenges and then launch into a live environment in the cloud. A skilled facilitator guides you through simulated business scenarios that are customized to your interests. We will send you a link to connect your own device to a remote desktop loaded with our latest and greatest technology, so you can experience first-hand how Microsoft tools can solve your biggest challenges in a collaborative, fun environment. Please note: Each session is only open to 20 participants. Reserve your seat now and learn how you can be more productive anywhere, anytime with Office 365.


FastTrack Webinars: Learn how to do more, together

When: Multiple sessions starting July 12th and ending August 31st | Ask questions, learn shortcuts and find out how Office 365 can make you and your team more productive. Each webinar is a live, instructor-led session offered at multiple dates and times. Facilitated discussion follows each session, with opportunities to ask questions and discuss specific scenarios to you. Direct registration links for each webinar are provided below.


BLOG ROUNDUP Office 365 Service Assurance - gaining your trust with transparency

As customers consider the transition to the cloud, we often hear that they want to ensure security, privacy and compliance requirements are met. At Microsoft, we believe that customers have the right to know how Office 365: (1) Safeguards confidentiality, integrity, availability and reliability of your data, (2) Let’s you control access to your data and (3) Helps you comply with various regulatory standards. We want to ensure that you have access to the information that is relevant for you to perform a risk assessment on Office 365 services—on demand. Access to this information should be seamless. To achieve these goals, we have released the Service Assurance Dashboard as part of the Office 365 Security and Compliance Center, which provides you immediate access to this information. | Resource: Service assurance in the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center


Keep your email secure with Office 365

As the person responsible for supporting a mobile workforce, you face complicated and ever-changing threats like data privacy, security and advanced threat protection. Viruses and hacks are real threats that cause damage to businesses every day, and email protection must be at the top of your list. With this in mind, we created an advanced secure email service with Office 365. This post outlines just a few of the ways Office 365, including Exchange Online and Outlook, protects your business’s emails... | Resources: eBooks - "Your Business, Secured" and "5 questions executives should be asking their security teams"


Yammer adds mobile application management capabilities through Intune

People are increasingly using apps for work on their personal mobile devices. This is especially true of “deskless” workers—employees who spend most of their work day away from a desk—in industries like retail, manufacturing, healthcare, airlines and consulting. In the case of Yammer’s customers, an employee might use the Yammer mobile app to help customers in-store or share customer feedback with colleagues. In other scenarios, employees might access Yammer when they are in transit or working remotely. This trend of using personal mobile devices for work presents a challenge for IT departments that want to ensure the security of company data, especially those concerned about unintentional data leaks. We’re excited to announce an update to the Yammer apps for iOS and Android that allows IT administrators to protect their corporate data using mobile application management (MAM) controls in Microsoft Intune. Using Intune, organizations can provide their employees with access to corporate apps, data and resources on their personal mobile devices while protecting their corporate data with a rich set of mobile device management, mobile application management and PC management capabilities delivered from the cloud.


NOTEWORTHY Microsoft IT Showcase: Rolling out Microsoft Office in one of the most demanding environments

Format: Video (53 minutes, 15 seconds) | If you weren’t able to attend the session live in July, the recording is now available on Channel 9. In this SME Roundtable, you will gain insight into best practices Microsoft IT has used to plan, deploy, and manage Office 365 ProPlus 2016, as well as how System Center Configuration Manager streamlined the upgrade process.


Microsoft IT Showcase: Microsoft IT enables information discovery with Enterprise Search and Delve

Format: Video (58 minutes, 19 seconds) | If you weren't able to attend the session live in July, the recording is now available on Channel 9. Microsoft IT hosts more than 350 million Office 365 documents and other content, serving 200,000 users around the globe. Helping employees find what they need to be effective in their jobs required new approaches to deliver integrated search experiences. Program managers David Johnson, Sam Crewdson, and Rene Sanchez Almaguer share how we used Delve, SharePoint 2016 with hybrid services, and Office 365 Search to deliver rationalized search and discovery experiences.