
Groove Relay at Microsoft restarted

We recently discovered that one of the Groove Relay servers managed by Microsoft was having connection problems. The issue has been resolved and the server restarted. If you are experiencing connection or presence issues in SharePoint Workspace or Groove, and your assigned Relay is blugro2, please exit the program and then restart it.

To determine if you use blugro2, follow these steps:

  1. On the File tab, click Info, Click Connection Settings, and then click Communications Manager.
  2. In Communications Manager, click Network Settings.
  3. In Advanced Network Settings, under the Network Diagnostics tab, click to expand Home Relay devices. You may have multiple devices.
  4. If you see the hostname blugro2relay.groove.microsoft.com, you use blugro2 as a relay.

Not all accounts on blugro2 were affected. If your account uses blugro2, andyou believe you may be experiencing presence or synchronization issues, stop and restart Groove or SharePoint Workspace.