
Top Ten CIO Executive Board Downloads

External source: www.executiveboard.com

  1. The Future of Corporate IT: Information Over Process: This study reviews the first of 5 radical shifts expected to occur in the IT function over the next five years: Competitive advantage from information technology shifts toward customer experience, data analytics, and knowledge worker enablement; consequently, information management skills will rise in importance relative to business process design.
  2. The Future of Corporate IT: IT Embedded in Business Services: This study reviews the second of 5 radical shifts expected to occur in the IT function over the next five years: Centrally provided applications and infrastructure will be embedded in business services and delivered by a business shared services organization.
  3. IT Strategic Plan Template: This template is a customizable PowerPoint deck that is a skeleton of an IT Strategic Plan. Each slide has detailed discussion guidance, instructions for input, and a list of relevant resources to help analyze IT conditions, set strategy and communicate the key message.
  4. The Future of Corporate IT: Externalized Service Delivery: This study reviews the third of 5 radical shifts expected to occur in the IT function over the next five years: Delivery will be predominantly externalized as vendors expand service provision and internal resources become brokers not providers.
  5. The Future of Corporate IT: Greater Business Partner Responsibility: This study reviews the fourth of 5 radical shifts expected to occur in the IT function over the next five years: Business unit leaders and end users will play a greater role in obtaining and managing technology for themselves where differentiation has more value than standardization.
  6. The Future of Corporate IT: Diminished Standalone IT Role: This study reviews the fifth of 5 radical shifts expected to occur in the IT function over the next five years: IT roles will embed in business services, evolve into business roles, or be externalized. Remaining IT roles will be housed in a business shared service group. The CIO position will expand to lead this group or shrink to manage IT procurement and integration.
  7. A Handbook for Effective IT Strategic Planning: Embedding Context and Creativity in Strategy Development: This study review the first two of three Cs —Context, Creativity, and Cascade—required to make IT strategic planning dexterous and relevant to diverse stakeholders.
  8. The IT Leader's Guide to Collaboration: This study describes how leading IT organizations demonstrate measurable productivity benefits for collaboration technologies by understanding the capabilities knowledge workers need to build effective teams and overcoming the behavioral factors that inhibit effective collaboration.
  9. A Step-by-Step Guide to IT Centralization: This study provides a step-by-step guide to IT centralization, focusing on identifying the appropriate level of centralization, creating an end-to-end centralization plan, gaining stakeholder buy-in, establishing governance, and managing staff implications.
  10. Rethinking the IT Funding Model: This research identifies 5 approaches to cost allocation that leading CIOs use to help business partners improve IT spend and foster an IT-Business relationship founded on transparency and trust.