
Review Opportunity! Configure Wireless Networking on Windows SBS 2003.

Before we publish Configure Wireless Networking on Windows SBS 2003 on the Microsoft Web site, we would like to hear from you!   We have included screen shots in this document and would like to know if the screen shots improve readability. What screen shots would you take out? What screen shots would you include that were not there?   This is your opportunity to let us know what you think about this document, so test it out! Are the instructions easy to follow? Are they accurate? What have we left out that should be included?   Let us know if you like seeing our documents before they are published on the Microsoft Web site. What suggestions for new documentation do you have?   We will be accepting your feedback until June 15, 2006. Click here to let us know what you think.   Thanks for helping us deliver great documentation!   This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.  
