Get All Overrides in a SCOM 2012 Management Group using PowerShell
This is a continuation of a Data Center Automation series of posts that I have been working on with Anders Bengtsson. Here are the first 10 posts in this series:
Creating Management Packs in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Creating Performance Collection Rules in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Creating Event Based Alerting Rules in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Enabling or Disabling Workflows in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Deleting Workflows in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Creating Groups in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Adding References to MPs in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Modifying Explicit Group Membership in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Get Parameters that can be Overridden in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Get Overrides Applied to a Workflow in SCOM 2012 using PowerShell
As of this post this script is not included as an activity in the Operations Manager Admin Integration Pack but will be in the next version.
The purpose of this script is to get all overrides that exist in a management group and write the output to a csv file.
.\GetAllOverrides.ps1 –ManagementServer ‘’ –OutputDirectory ‘c:\temp’
Name | Description |
ManagementServer | Name of MS to connect to |
OutputDirectory | Directory to write CSV file containing all the overrides |
Name | Description |
OverrideID | The id of the override |
OverrideMP | The management pack that the override exists in |
OverrideMPDisplayName | The friendly name of the management pack that the override exists in |
OverrideType | The type of the override found (discovery, rule, etc…) |
OverrideProperty | The property that the override applies to. This only applies to the hard coded properties specific to the type of workflow passed. |
OverrideModule | If the parameter that the override applies to is a configuration parameter then this is the unique name of the module that the override is defined |
OverrideParameter | If the parameter that the override applies to is a configuration parameter then this is the name of the parameter. |
OverrideValue | The property or configuration value of the override |
WorkflowID | The id of the rule, discovery, monitor, etc… that the override applies to |
WorkflowName | The friendly name of the rule, discovery, monitor, etc… that the override applies to |
WorkflowMP | The management pack that the workflow, in which the override applies to, exists in |
WorkflowMPDisplayName | The friendly name that the management pack that the rule, monitor, recovery, etc… that the override applies to exists in |
WorkflowType | The type of the workflow that the override applies to (discovery, diagnostic, etc…) |
ContextID | The id of the class / group that the override is applied to |
ContextName | The friendly name of the class / group that the override is applied to |
ContextMP | The management pack that the class / group, in which the override is applied to, exists |
ContextMPDisplayName | The friendly name of the management pack that the class / group, in which the override is applied to, exists |
ContextInstanceGUID | If the override is also applied to an instance of a class then this is the GUID of that instance. |
ContextInstanceNameAndPath | If the override is also applied to an instance of a class then this is the DisplayName and Path of that instance |
Enforced | Whether or not the override has the Enforced property set |
1 Param(
2 [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
3 $ManagementServer,
4 [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
5 $OutputDirectory
6 )
8 Write-Host "Version 1.0"
9 Write-Host "ManagementServer:"$ManagementServer
10 Write-Host "OutputDirectory:"$OutputDirectory
12 function GetSCOMManagementGroup
13 {
14 param($ms)
15 try
16 {
17 $mg = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroup($ms)
18 }
19 catch
20 {
21 Write-Host "Failed to Connect to SDK, Exiting:"$ms -ForegroundColor Red
22 Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
23 exit
24 }
25 return $mg
26 }
28 function GetWorkflowFromOverride
29 {
30 param($mg, $override)
32 switch ($override.XmlTag.ToString())
33 {
34 'DiscoveryPropertyOverride' { $property = 'Discovery' }
35 'DiscoveryConfigurationOverride' { $property = 'Discovery' }
36 'RulePropertyOverride' { $property = 'Rule' }
37 'RuleConfigurationOverride' { $property = 'Rule' }
38 'MonitorPropertyOverride' { $property = 'Monitor' }
39 'MonitorConfigurationOverride' { $property = 'Monitor' }
40 'DiagnosticPropertyOverride' { $property = 'Diagnostic' }
41 'DiagnosticConfigurationOverride' { $property = 'Diagnostic' }
42 'RecoveryPropertyOverride' { $property = 'Recovery' }
43 'RecoveryConfigurationOverride' { $property = 'Recovery' }
44 'SecureReferenceOverride' { $property = 'SecureReference' }
45 'CategoryOverride' { $property = 'Category' }
46 }
48 return $workflow
49 }
51 function GetWorkflow
52 {
53 param($mg, $wfID, $property)
55 switch ($property.ToLower())
56 {
57 'discovery' { $workflow = GetDiscovery -mg $mg -guid $wfID }
58 'rule' { $workflow = GetRule -mg $mg -guid $wfID }
59 'monitor' { $workflow = GetMonitor -mg $mg -guid $wfID }
60 'recovery' { $workflow = GetRecovery -mg $mg -guid $wfID }
61 'diagnostic' { $workflow = GetDiagnostic -mg $mg -guid $wfID }
62 'securereference' { $workflow = GetSecureReference -mg $mg -guid $wfID }
63 }
65 return $workflow
66 }
68 function GetWorkflowOverrides
69 {
70 param($guid, $overrides)
72 $wOverrides = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
74 foreach ($override in $overrides)
75 {
76 $property = GetOverrideType -override $override
78 $oGUID = ($override.$property.ToString()).Split("=")[1]
80 if ($guid -eq $oGUID)
81 {
82 [void]$wOverrides.Add($override)
83 }
84 }
86 return $wOverrides
87 }
89 function GetInstance
90 {
91 param($mg, $guid)
93 $instance = $mg.GetMonitoringObject($guid)
94 $instance = $instance.DisplayName + "|" + $instance.Path
96 return $instance
97 }
99 function GetClass
100 {
101 param($mg, $id)
103 $class = $mg.GetMonitoringClass($id)
104 return $class
105 }
107 function GetDiscovery
108 {
109 param($mg, $guid)
110 $discovery = $mg.GetMonitoringDiscovery($guid)
111 return $discovery
112 }
114 function GetRule
115 {
116 param($mg, $guid)
117 $rule = $mg.GetMonitoringRule($guid)
118 return $rule
119 }
121 function GetMonitor
122 {
123 param($mg, $guid)
124 $monitor = $mg.GetMonitor($guid)
125 return $monitor
126 }
128 function GetDiagnostic
129 {
130 param($mg, $guid)
131 $diagnostic = $mg.GetMonitoringDiagnostic($guid)
132 return $diagnostic
133 }
135 function GetRecovery
136 {
137 param($mg, $guid)
138 $recovery = $mg.GetMonitoringRecovery($guid)
139 return $recovery
140 }
142 function GetSecureReference
143 {
144 param($mg, $guid)
145 $secureReference = $mg.GetMonitoringSecureReference($guid)
146 return $secureReference
147 }
149 function GetAllOverrides
150 {
151 param($mg)
152 $criteria = ([string]::Format("Name like '%'"))
153 $searchCriteria = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.MonitoringOverrideCriteria($criteria)
154 $overrides = $MG.GetMonitoringOverrides($searchCriteria)
155 return $overrides
156 }
158 function GetOverrideType
159 {
160 param($override)
162 switch ($override.XmlTag.ToString())
163 {
164 'DiscoveryPropertyOverride' { $property = 'Discovery' }
165 'DiscoveryConfigurationOverride' { $property = 'Discovery' }
166 'RulePropertyOverride' { $property = 'Rule' }
167 'RuleConfigurationOverride' { $property = 'Rule' }
168 'MonitorPropertyOverride' { $property = 'Monitor' }
169 'MonitorConfigurationOverride' { $property = 'Monitor' }
170 'DiagnosticPropertyOverride' { $property = 'Diagnostic' }
171 'DiagnosticConfigurationOverride' { $property = 'Diagnostic' }
172 'RecoveryPropertyOverride' { $property = 'Recovery' }
173 'RecoveryConfigurationOverride' { $property = 'Recovery' }
174 'SecureReferenceOverride' { $property = 'SecureReference' }
175 'CategoryOverride' { $property = 'Category' }
176 }
178 return $property
179 }
181 function GetFormattedOverrides
182 {
183 param($mg, $overrides)
185 $formattedOverrides = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
187 foreach ($override in $overrides)
188 {
189 $property = GetOverrideType -override $override
190 try
191 {
192 $class = GetClass -mg $MG -id $override.Context.ToString().Split("=")[1]
193 $contextID = $class.Name
194 $contextName = $class.DisplayName
195 $contextMP = $class.GetManagementPack().Name
196 $contextMPDisplayName = $class.GetManagementPack().DisplayName
197 }
198 catch
199 {
200 $contextID = 'Not Found'
201 $contextName = 'Not Found'
202 $contextMP = 'Not Found'
203 $contextMPDisplayName = 'Not Found'
204 }
206 if (!($property -eq 'Category'))
207 {
208 try
209 {
210 $workflow = GetWorkflow -mg $MG -wfID $override.$property.ToString().Split("=")[1] -property $property
211 $workflowID = $workflow.Name
212 $workflowName = $workflow.DisplayName
213 $workflowMP = $workflow.GetManagementPack().Name
214 $workflowMPDisplayName = $workflow.GetManagementPack().DisplayName
215 }
216 catch
217 {
218 $workflowID = 'Not Found'
219 $workflowName = 'Not Found'
220 $workflowMP = 'Not Found'
221 $workflowMPDisplayName = 'Not Found'
222 }
223 }
224 else
225 {
226 $workflowID = $override.$property
227 $workflowName = 'Not Applicable'
228 $workflowMP = 'Not Applicable'
229 $workflowMPDisplayName = 'Not Applicable'
230 }
232 if ($override.ContextInstance)
233 {
234 $gValue = $override.ContextInstance
235 try
236 {
237 $iValue = GetInstance -mg $mg -guid $override.ContextInstance
238 }
239 catch
240 {
241 $iValue = 'Not Found'
242 }
243 }
244 else
245 {
246 $iValue = 'Not Applicable'
247 $gValue = 'Not Applicable'
248 }
250 if ($override.Property) {$pValue = $override.Property} else {$pValue = 'Not Applicable'}
251 if ($override.Module) {$mValue = $override.Module} else {$mValue = 'Not Applicable'}
252 if ($override.Parameter) {$paValue = $override.Parameter} else {$paValue = 'Not Applicable'}
254 $o = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
255 OverrideID = $override.Name
256 OverrideMP = $override.GetManagementPack().Name
257 OverrideMPDisplayName = $override.GetManagementPack().DisplayName
258 OverrideType = $override.XmlTag
259 OverrideProperty = $pValue
260 OverrideModule = $mValue
261 OverrideParameter = $paValue
262 OverrideValue = $override.Value
263 WorkflowID = $workflowID
264 WorkflowName = $workflowName
265 WorkflowMP = $workflowMP
266 WorkflowMPDisplayName = $workflowMPDisplayName
267 WorkflowType = $property
268 ContextID = $contextID
269 ContextName = $contextName
270 ContextMP = $contextMP
271 ContextMPDisplayName = $contextMPDisplayName
272 ContextInstanceGUID = $gValue
273 ContextInstanceNameAndPath = $iValue
274 Enforced = $override.Enforced
275 }
276 [void]$formattedOverrides.Add($o)
277 }
279 return $formattedOverrides
280 }
282 #Connect to SCOM Management Group
283 $MG = GetSCOMManagementGroup -ms $ManagementServer
285 #Get all overrides in management group
286 $Overrides = GetAllOverrides -mg $MG
288 #Get formatted overrides
289 $OverridesFormatted = GetFormattedOverrides -mg $MG -overrides $Overrides
291 #Print Output
292 $OutputPath = $OutputDirectory + '\' + $MG.Name + 'Overrides.csv'
293 $OverridesFormatted | Sort-Object OverrideMP | Select-Object OverrideID, OverrideMP, OverrideMPDisplayName, OverrideType, OverrideProperty, OverrideModule, OverrideParameter, OverrideValue, WorkflowID, WorkflowMP, WorkflowMPDisplayName, WorkflowType, ContextID, ContextName, ContextMP, ContextMPDisplayName, ContextInstanceGUID, ContextInstanceNameAndPath, Enforced | Export-Csv -Path $OutputPath -NoTypeInformation
295 Write-Host "Output Location:"$OutputPath
296 Write-Host "Script Complete"
- Anonymous
March 18, 2014
Excellent Script.