
Who am I and why am I doing this?

My name is Roger Wolter and I'm a Solutions Architect on the Microsoft Architect Strategy Team. At this point some of you might be saying "I used to know a Roger Wolter who was a PM in SQL Server". Yes, that was me too, In my time at Microsoft I have worked on:

SQL Server Service Broker
SQL Express
SQL XML Datatype
SOAP Toolkit
COM Plus

In my current job, I think about the issues surrounding data in connected systems and service oriented architectures. Things like how does referential integrity work in an asynchronous service environment or how do you ensure that all service maintain a consistent view of common data? I plan to discuss many of these issues here to get some feedback on what I come up with. Of course I can't completely forget my roots so I have a few Service Broker topics I plan to talk about.

Finally, a quick word about the title of my blog. I was looking for clever tag line and I thought of the old TV Western "Have Gun Will Travel" and made the appropriate substitution. Unfortunately, I realize that with the exception of a few people who spend entirely too much time watching cable, most of you aren't old enough to have ever seen the show so the tag line is pretty meaningless. In case you're interested: https://www.hgwt.com/