
Windows Server 8 beta available

Hi everyone,

besides the Consumer Preview of Windows '"8", there was also a beta version of Windows Server "8" released here:



Hyper-V has some very cool enhancements which are worth to be evaluated, and descriptions can be found here

Hyper-V Automation Support Technical Preview 

Hyper-V Dynamic Memory Technical Preview

Hyper-V Offloaded Data Transfer Technical Preview

Hyper-V Replica Technical Preview

Hyper-V Resource Metering Technical Preview

Hyper-V Support for Large Sector Disks Technical Preview

Hyper-V Virtual Fibre Channel Technical Preview

Hyper-V Virtual Hard Disk Format Technical Preview

Hyper-V Support for Scaling Up and Scaling Out Technical Preview


I've yet to discover all the details to uncover cool new things like https://blogs.msdn.com/b/virtual_pc_guy/archive/2012/03/02/live-snapshot-merging-windows-server-8.aspx


