
Web 2.0ltre report from the conference - part 4

Technorati Tags: Web 2.Oltre, Web 2.0

Michael Schuster (https://blogtalk.net/schuster.html)

People are demanding collaboration and social tools. If you, as company, don't provide this kind of tools your employee simple will use tools outside your company. that of course impact the value you can deliver as company and can impact also your information assets.

Anatomy of the Long tail:



Tullio Nascimben - Responsabile Sviluppo Progetti Web di Eustema

Accessibility and web 2.0

Jeff Nolan - Venture Chronicles - Mega Trends in Enterprise Software

Live is a great plaform for web developers :-)

Mashups are going to be the new integration paradhigm


Know who your users are! Obsessively measure customer satisfaction

SMB Business and Departmental: NO TI companies: the long tail

Rules are changing. no more closed companies but open enterprises

the difference between old and new companies is "Semplicity of use"....my personal opinion is that not everything can be simple: you've to put on the bill the internal processes and collaboration attrite.

I think these guys don't knows our Software+Services vision :(


Lee Bryant - www.Headshift.com

KM was a big mistake! Why does informal knwoledge sharing matter?

an idea in isolation only represent 5% of its potential value


[personal comment] my friend, I think 65% of innovation comes from organizations and only 35% comes from technology, BUT... on the technology side, SharePoint is the best Social Software still I ever seen, no way. let's back to me if you like to discuss this feeling, I'll be happy to disccuss. Anyway I think that we, as Microsoft, have a lot of work to do having a better communication about ourselfes and our job.


  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2007
    Ah Roberdan, come hai fatto a fare gli screenshot? I mean: sono le slide che stanno presentando o roba che ci metti tu? PierG

  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2007
    ci hanno dato prima le slides ;-)