
My most favorite Screen Capture utility

There is a lot to write about this magnificent tool, which saves me quite a lot of time these days, but why to waste time to write which is already written...

<Extracted from Brian Scott's blog>

Cropper is a screen capture utility written in C# on the Microsoft .Net platform. It makes it fast and easy to grab parts of your screen. Use it to easily crop out sections of vector graphic files such as Fireworks without having to flatten the files or open in a new editor. Use it to easily capture parts of a web site, including text and images. It's also great for writing documentation that needs images of your application or web site.

The files are saved straight to a folder of your choice in the format you specify or to the clipboard or printer. No more 'Print Screen'... open image editor... paste from clipboard... crop... export. Just double-click the form or press enter, and whatever is visible below the form is captured.

The source code is freely available with shared source licensing. The license information is available in each class file.

</Extracted from Brian Scott's blog>

Read more about it and download from https://blogs.geekdojo.net/brian/articles/Cropper.aspx

Thanks Brian. Cropper ROCKS!!! Doing my bit to promote your fantastic utility ;o)



  • Anonymous
    September 28, 2006
    I heartily concur. Cropper rocks! I use it all the time.
  • Anonymous
    September 28, 2006
    Also agree. Have been using it for awhile. Even created a keyboard shortcut to auto launch it!
  • Anonymous
    September 28, 2006
    Wow, thanks guys. Makes me want to get to it and finish up version 2.
  • Anonymous
    September 28, 2006
    Maybe you can try this one.
    http://myweb.hinet.net/home4/s630417/Capture.htm (free)
  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2007
    My personal favorite is PrintKey.exe.  Most people have never heard of it but it's nice and light-weight and it has some extra features too.  The best thing about it is that it is only on the order of 500kb and in a single EXE. It's also hard to find but basically doing a google search for 'Alfred Bollinger' and 'PrintKey' usually works after you click through a couple dozen links! Just thought someone else might want to try it out.