
Where are my Certificates?

Where are my Certificates?


Many a times I have come across people who have no clue where to find the certificates they have or someone else have installed on the exchange server or the client machine.

In this post I would like to walk you through where you can find the certificates for exchange.

There are 3 methods to find where the certificates are

1) MMC

2) IIS Manager

3) Exchange Management Console (EMC)

1) MMC

This method works for
both 2003 and 2008 server

a) Go to Start > Run and Type mmc

b) In the opened console Select ‘File’ > Select ‘Add or Remove Snap in’ as
shown below

c) Select Add

d) Select Certificates and Select Add

e) Select Computer Account > and click on next

f) Select Finish and Close

g) Click on Ok and the Certificate console will be opened

h) Under “Personal Store” you can see the required certificates


IIS- Manager


a) Open IIS Manager

b)Right Click on “Default web site” (or the appropriate website if you have
many) and select Properties

c) Select “Directory Security” tab and select “View Certificate” and you will
be able to see the certificate





a) Open IIS Manager

b) Right Click on “Default web site” (or the appropriate website if you have
many) and select Edit bindings

c) Select the https which has port 443 and click on Edit

d) On the opened Edit Site Bindings tab click on “View” to see the certificate


This can be used if exchange is 2010

Open EMC > Select “Server Configuration” and you will be able to see the
certificate in the middle plane as shown in the picture

Just double on the certificate you want to see

Run the below command in Exchange management Shell (2007 or 2010) to see the attributes of the Certificate

Get-ExchangeCertificate | FL