
Yeppp! Source code for the .NET framework libraries!

I know you knew it before and I know it's a old story, but the info is sooooo cool that I can't resist adding it in my blog ..  If you were also living in another part of the solar system (like I did since a couple of months..) and still don't know about it here is the link ..


Releasing the Source Code for the .NET Framework Libraries

Hey scott . You are "the man"! great job.. 


Then comes the story about the "jewel thief" who picked the most precious gem out of it and shared it with all of us ... 

.NET Framework Source Code - debug with confidence


Wow Allan .. I don't know how did I miss that gem - "Yes - we'll be releasing a separate download version (that copies all files locally) in the near future as well. This avoids the need for you to be online in order to access and browse it."



Technorati tags: Microsoft Blogger, Pranav Wagh, .NET Framework Library, Source Code

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