
Making PerformancePoint Server documentation better

Hello, this is Norm. Over the next few weeks, I will post some of the more frequented and important posts to this, our new team Blog. This post helps us document what you need and want for PerformancePoint Server.

Ralph Kimball, in his book The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit (Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.) said, "if it is not documented, it does not exist." I agree.

There are a number of ways that you can provide valuable input to improve your and others' TechNet documentation experience. Here are a few.


  • Give feedback using the simple feature in TechNet —we respond to all of these! The following is an image of the feedback feature in TechNet. In any TechNet article, simply mouse over the words Click to Rate and Give Feedback located close to the top, right corner.


  • The following Community Content feature is located at the bottom of every TechNet article. You can add new content to any existing TechNet article. The content may be additional information that you know would benefit others.

