
Ports to be opened for configuring CRM Outlook Client over VPN

We have been receiving multiple questions regarding ports that need to be opened for CRM Outlook client to work over VPN. On collaboration with the Dev and Support teams, we were able to put up a list for this.

The following are the ports that are used by the CRM Client to access the server:


80/TCP --

TCP Port: 135/TCP

TCP Port: 445/TCP --

TCP Port: 1025/TCP --

TCP Port: 1041/TCP --

TCP Port: 139/TCP --

UDP Port: 445/UDP --

UDP Port: 500/UDP --

UDP Port: 1026/UDP --

UDP Port: 1027/UDP --

UDP Port: 1054/UDP --


You have to open port 2525 if it is a laptop client with the offline capabilities.


Please open these ports and see if the client will work over the VPN. Another thing to verify with the VPN connection is the DNS resolution. You need to verify that you can successfully run an NSLOOKUP to the CRM Server Name.



Additional Information


SQL Server utilizes the following ports:

TCP Ports (7)
135 DCE endpoint resolution
139 NETBIOS Session Service
445 Microsoft-DS
1034 (random) Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) / TIP 2
1049 (random) MStask.exe
1433 Microsoft-SQL-Server
3372 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) / TIP 2
3389 Terminal Services
UDP Ports (9)
135 DCE endpoint resolution
137 NETBIOS Name Service
138 NETBIOS Datagram Service
445 Microsoft-DS
500 isakmp
1434 Microsoft-SQL-Monitor

Web Server utilizes the following ports:

TCP Ports (26)
25 Simple Mail Transfer
80 World Wide Web HTTP
135 DCE endpoint resolution
139 NETBIOS Session Service
443 HTTP protocol over TLS/SSL
445 Microsoft-DS
1032 (Random) Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) / TIP 2
1064 CrmWorkflowService
1072 pageserver
1073 Mstask.exe
1075 WebCompServer
1077 cacheserver
1080 CrystalAPS
1081 EventServer
1083 inputfileserver
1084 CrystalAPS
1088 outputfileserver
1091 JobServer
1092 CrystalAPS
1100 Inetinfo.exe
1110 WebCompServer
1111 EventServer
1112 JobServer
1116 Pageserver
1117 Inputfileserver
1118 CrystalAPS
1120 Pageserver
1122 Outputfileserver
1123 Cacheserver
1137 CrystalAPS
Random (multiple) Microsoft Message Que (Mqsvc.exe)
1165 pageserver
3372 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) / TIP 2
3289 Terminal Services
6400 CrystalAPS
6401 WebCompServer
7224 Inetinfo.exe (local Web-based administration)
UDP Ports (15)
135 DCE endpoint resolution
137 NETBIOS Name Service
138 NETBIOS Datagram Service
445 Microsoft-DS
500 isakmp
1056 CrmSecurityService
Random Microsoft Message Que (Mqsvc.exe)
1150 Inetinfo.exe
3456 Microsoft IIS Server / VAT default data

The above list holds good for CRM 1.0 to CRM 3.0.  You might have to exclude ports relating to Crystal services in 3.0