
Windows 8 - Modern Application Development


Windows 8 tilbyder en fantastisk mulighed for ISV partnere for at bygge inovative applikationer og tjene penge på dem igennem Windows Store i hundredvis af markeder på verdensplan. De er nemme at installere, og de fjernes helt ved afinstallation. De kører i ét vindue, der som standard fylder hele skærmen. De fungerer automatisk med en bred vifte af inputkilder, herunder touch, pen, mus og tastatur. I stedet for statiske ikoner anvendes live-fliser til visning af meddelelser. Du kan skrive Windows Store-apps på en lang række sprog, f.eks. C# og Visual Basic med XAML, C++ med XAML eller DirectX og JavaScript med HTML/CSS.

For at supportere vores partnere i at få mest ud af denne forretningsmulighed, har Partner Technical Services udviklet en række online workshops, som vil guide dig igennem denne spændende mulighed for at udvikle apps til Windows 8.

Workshops er GRATIS og foregår på engelsk.

Se workshops og registreringslink herunder:




9:30-11:30 GMT+1

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Windows 8 Application Platform

Presenter: Michal Morciniec

In this 2-hour webcast we introduce Windows 8 features relevant to developers: Windows RT APIs, Windows 8 store application packaging, deployment and execution model. We then focus on the application lifetime - activation, application data sharing. We also comment on functionality that will keep your application live even when not running: tiles, badges and toast notifications and explain the concept of the background tasks and lock screen apps.


9:30-11:30 GMT+1

Registration Link

Building Your First Windows 8 App in HTML5/JS

Presenter: Giuseppe Branca

JavaScript has become a fist-class citizen for writing Windows 8 apps, so now even if you are a developer with skills related to the web technology you can write your first Windows 8 App straight away. In this 2-hour webcast we will show you how to structure the project of your app, we will recall the main aspects of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

DEMONSTRATIONS:  we will demonstrate how to build a simple single page app, place user controls and add the event handlers to them.




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Windows 8 App Certification and Windows Store

Presenters: Martin Seitz, Susanne Kapp

This 1:30h webcast discusses the certification process for Windows 8 Store Applications. It discusses the check-list data to fill for and application submission to the Store and explains what information is shown when your application is listed in the Store. Then the certification process is explained: the automated technical test and the manual content test executed by Store testers. We will comment of the most common top 10 reasons why applications fail the certification and how you can get help from Partner Services to resolve them.

DEMONSTRATIONS: we demonstrate application submission check-list data, Windows 8 Certification Toolkit (WACK)


9:30-11:30 GMT+1

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Windows 8 App: User Interface, Data Loading and Persistence (HTML5/JS)

Presenter: Giuseppe Branca

In this 2-hour webcast we will show you how to build an app with a rich user interface, how to deal with storage of data, how to access the Internet from your app and how to reuse your skills in using third party frameworks.

DEMONSTRATIONS: we will demonstrate the main aspects for all of these topics, so at the end you will be able to start writing your first Windows 8 app and publish it to the Windows Store.


9:30-11:30 GMT+1

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Integrating Windows 8 App with Windows Azure Mobile Services

Presenter: Peter Vegh

In this 2 hour presentation we will demonstrate how Windows Azure Mobile Services can simplify Windows 8 application development.

We will demonstrate how this service simplifies the storage of data into the cloud database, how you can authenticate easily with various authentication providers and how you can leverage this service for sending push notifications to the Windows 8 clients.

DEMONSTRATIONS: we show you how to build a simple Windows 8 Store application that uses Windows Azure Mobile Services.


9:30-11:30 GMT+1

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Building Your First Windows 8 App using XAML/C#

Presenter: Giuseppe Branca

For a developer coming from .NET background C#/XAML is a natural choice for writing a Windows 8 Store app.  In this 2 hour presentation we will show you how to structure the project of your app and we will recall the main aspects of XAML.

DEMONSTRATIONS: we will demonstrate how to build a simple single page app, place user controls and add the event handlers to them.


9:30-11:30 GMT+1

Registration Link

Windows 8 App: User Interface, Data Loading and Persistence (XAML/C#)

Presenter: Giuseppe Branca

In this 2 hour presentation we will show you how to build an app with a rich user interface, how to deal with storage of data and how to access to Internet from your app.

DEMONSTRATIONS: we will demonstrate the main aspects for all of these topics, so at the end you will be able to start writing your first Windows 8 app and publish it to the Windows Store.