
SharePoint Best Practices Conference in London from April 6th to 8th

Unfortunately I'm not getting to this one, but I look forward to hearing about how it goes. Sharing best practices for SharePoint is an important area right now.

SharePoint Best Practices Conference comes to London

From April the 6th to the 8th 2009 in London at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference centre you can meet and hear some of the world’s foremost experts on SharePoint. With over 56 sessions over 4 tracks appealing to all types of audience from IT pro’s , Developers , Information workers , project managers and Business Managers/Information Directors this is the largest SharePoint conference to come to the UK and has something for everyone.

The Best Practice Conference is all about real world experience designing and using SharePoint, making sure you maximize your return of investment in the product. To find out more about the event and register or become a sponsor go to https://www.sharepointbestpractices.co.uk
