
PDC 2005 Session - Introduction to Workflow in Windows Applications

I am co-presenting a session at the Professional Developers Conference this year.  It's COM210 Introduction to Workflow in Windows Applications.  The best way to view it and related sessions is to go here and put workflow in the search box.  The abstract for the session is:

This session is a code-focused introduction to use of workflow in applications. We cover the "hello world" of developing workflow enabled applications and take you to a level where you can be confident choosing workflow for everyday applications. We cover the basics of developing, designing, and debugging workflow solutions. Drill downs for this topic are in sessions COM318, COM322, COM325, COM327 and COM328.

We are also re-presenting this introductory session as a WebCast the next day - and this will be followed up by a Week or Workflow WebCasts from September 26th - 30th.  Each day we will have a web cast on workflow at 10am Pacific Time.  Not all of the titles and presenters are confirmed, but I wanted to share the timeslots if you're interested in workflow.


Update -- All of the Week of Workflow Webcasts presenters are confirmed now. I have put the webcasts all on this article page.