
Getting Started with Microsoft Azure Mobile Service - Classroom Poster

A few weeks back, I came up with this idea of custom designed classroom posters to drive adoption for Microsoft Azure amongst students. Thanks to the graphics interns at Microsoft Innovation Center, Lahore whom I hired specifically with this notion to experiment with design and development landscape, after weeks of to-and-fro emails exchange and discussions, the idea has finally turned into reality. I would specifically like to mention and thank two of our interns, Fareeha Yousaf & Shahroz Naeem for their efforts and being patient with revisions.

Other than this beginner tutorial, there are three more classroom posters produced by our designers on Authentication and Authorization Microsoft Azure Mobile Services classroom.

As of the final note, we've just one underlying concept for the poster below and those to come; to highlight how simple it is to utilize any given service of Microsoft Azure by breaking the process in smaller steps. Here are two revisions of the article,

Getting Started with Azure Mobile Service Yellow

 Getting Started with Azure Mobile Service - Thumbnail

Download Full Size Poster (2ft x 3ft) [3.63 MB]