

F1.2 - Stay sharp, be focused

The information in this blog is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties and confers no rights. This blog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer. It is solely my own personal opinion. All code samples are provided 'AS IS' without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose..

faber's blog

Fabian André Gehrke

SharePoint no dia-a-dia

Fabio Pintos

Fabio Santini

Everything around Azure

Fabrice LARDIN

Fabricem blog's

Site d'iInformations sur les technologies Windows, Virtualisation, administration des systèmes et le Cloud

Fabricio Sanchez's Blog

Fabrizio Giovannetti IT Infrastructure On-Premises and on Azure

Fun with Infrastructure

Fabulous Adventures In Coding

Eric Lippert's Erstwhile Blog

Faceted Navigation in SharePoint 2013

Fadi Abdulwahab's Blog

SharePoint 2013 ,SharePoint Server 2010 ,FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint , Administration and more

Family Health Guy

In which Sean talks about HealthVault and other cool ideas in Personal Health

FAQs on Azure App Services

How to ...



FastTrack Tips

Tips from the FastTrack Team

Federal Windows Vista Team

Comments, thoughts and experiences related to Windows Vista as provided by the Microsoft Federal Windows Vista Team. Team members include Rob Campbell, Ed Leary, Yvette Maybee, Jeff Schnegelberger, Patrick Svenburg and Rhys Ziemer.

Federated Infrastructure

A discussion on politics, architecture, random experiences and good cheer from the Microsoft field.

Fei Xia's Blog

Felhő tanácsadó – szoftverfejlesztő cégeknek

Üzleti és technológiai lehetőségekről a felhőben.

Félix Martínez Retama Blog

Simple things about SQL and .NET that maybe you didn´t know.

Felix Wang | Evangelizing the Next Web

Got a conversation to share? Follow me on twitter | facebook | linkedin, or just ring me at +86 (10) 5917-7596.

Feng Yuan (袁峰)

CLR, Performance, Debugging, Parallel Computing, WPF, XPS, GDI, GDI+, Printing (www.fengyuan.com)


Fernando Garcia Loera (@ferglo)

Fermin Sanchez Central

Tools and stuff I come across during my work as a consultant for Microsoft Switzerland.

Fernando Henrique Inocêncio Borba Ferreira

Software Development / Windows / Web / Cloud / Mobile / IoT / Visual Studio

Fernando Rubio´s Microsoft Technet Blog

Making the digital world a safer place, one post at a time

Feroze Daud's WebLog

Festina Lente

Un sitio para ayudar a introducir la excelencia operativa

Few of my technology ideas

A few things you may not already know

Christophe's blog - All about Infrastructure & Datacenter

Fiddler Web Debugger

Fiddler is a web debugging tool which is owned, developed, and distributed by Eric Lawrence.

Fides Tamen Quin

Trust, but Verify...and all the other things learned while troubleshooting.

Field notes by - Vinayak Latthe

Office 365 in the Enterprise.

Field notes from an Infrastructure Architect

an travelling architect focusing on datacenter solutions

Field Notes Of An Enterprise Software Consultant

Knowledge is POWER

File it!

Brian Dewey's Blog: All about file systems, storage, and miscellany

Files and more

Filter Central

FIM 2010 R2 -MA Capabilities

FIM Automation Extensibility

Getting extra mileage from using the FIM Automation Powershell commands

Finbar Ryan on IIS and Web Development.

Please note that all of my posts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confer no rights.

The First Virtue


Mike Fitzmaurice [MSFT] shares as much as he can get away with about what Microsoft is doing with SharePoint Products and Technologies development

Fix it Center Pro Blog

Flaphead on TechNet

Check out my "other" blog at



Technology, News and more

Flight Deck

Discussions about Unified Communication, LCS/OCS, VoIP, and more


Michael Tressler on Intelligent Communications

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