
Featured Product of the Day Archive

The best way to solve the challenges in OfficePalooza, and to continue learning long after OfficePalooza has ended, it to take a look at the great resources listed here.

Don’t forget to also look at the Solutions for the Advanced Business Users of Office page for all sorts of great information about customizing your Microsoft Office applications.

Day 1 – Microsoft Office Excel Day

John Walkenbach 's The Spreadsheet Page

Adding Color to Excel 2007 Worksheets by Using the ColorIndex Property

Chart Labels

Editing Data Series

Using Cell Text to Filter PivotTables  [blog post]

Implementing Week-Numbering Systems and Date/Time Representations in Excel

Using Styles to Dress Up Your Worksheets in Excel 2007

Creating VBA Macros to Manipulate Worksheets in Excel 2007 

Consolidating Data from Multiple Worksheets into a Summary Worksheet in Excel

Merging Data from Multiple Workbooks into a Summary Workbook in Excel

Working with Excel Workbooks and Worksheets in E-Mail

Primer in Excel VBA



Calling Excel 2007 Custom Wizards from the Office Fluent Ribbon by Using VBA

What is the fastest way to scan a large range in Excel?  [blog post]

Announcing Microsoft Solver Foundation  [blog post]

Performance Tips for Excel Programming 

COM Library for Excel Web Services - Use EWS from VBA!  [blog post]

Microsoft Excel: Revolutionary 3D Game Engine?  [external]

Iteration & Conway’s Game of Life  [blog post]

Two Methods for Importing Your Zune Playlist into Excel (Part 1 of 2)

Two Methods for Importing Your Zune Playlist into Excel (Part 2 of 2)

Animating Objects in Excel 2007 Using the 3-D Animation Engine

Create or delete a macro

Edit a macro

Working with Excel tables in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Watch This: Use macros to automate repetitive tasks

Using Excel and Visual Basic for Applications to Create a Game



Day 2 – Microsoft Office Visio Day

Microsoft Office Visio Team Blog

Working with Data Programmatically in Visio 2007

Visio Developer Portal

Visio 2007 Library

Publishing Visio 2007 Solutions

Microsoft Office Visio 2007 on TechNet

Visio 2007 Product Information


Day 3 – Microsoft Office Access Day

Microsoft Access Team Blog Power Tips

Clint Covington's Access Blog

Microsoft Access MVP Site

Adding Tabs and Controls to the Office Fluent Ribbon in Access 2007

Displaying Custom Dialog Boxes for Custom Delete Actions in Access 2007

Creating User Prompts in Access 2007

Using VBA code to open a file stored in the new Access 2007 Attachment field  [blog post]

Get started with Access programming

Chapter 8: Using Code to Add Advanced Functionality to Forms

Macro improvements in Access 2007 [blog post]

Automate applications with macros in Access 2007

Run an Access macro by using a keyboard shortcut

Create custom menus and shortcut menus by using macros

Macro improvements in Access 2007   [blog post]

Adding (All) Options to Combo Boxes or List Boxes in Access 2007

Counting the Number of Working Days in Access 2007 




Day 4 – Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Day

Graphically Displaying Data from SharePoint Lists in Visio 2007

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 on TechNet

Windows SharePoint Server Developer Center

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Library

patterns & practices: SharePoint Guidance

Creating a Custom Feature in SharePoint Server 2007



Day 5 – Microsoft Office Day

Xtreme VB Talk VBA Forums

DevX.com's FreeVBCode.com site - VBA/Office listing

Steve Hanson's VBA Tips Web site

Stack Overflow Developer Forum, VBA-Tagged Discussions

SourceForge.net - VBA projects

MSDN Code Gallery - VBA projects

Programming the VBA Editor

MS Support - VBA KB Articles

Converting Code from VBA to Visual Basic .NET

Newsletter: Microsoft Office Insider

MS Office Client Developers Content and Resources Blog

Darren Strange: Office Rocker

Office Developer Center

Office Fluent UI Developer Portal


MS VBA Developer Discussion Group

MSDN Office Developer Community

Microsoft Webcasts - VBA Topics

VBA Express

Office Zealot Web site

OpenXML Document Viewer

CodePlex - VBA projects

The Code Project - VBA projects

OpenXmlDiff.Exe: A Utility to Find the Differences Between Two Open XML Documents  [blog post]

Open XML Developer.org Custom UI Editor Tool

Chapter 11: Creating Dynamic Ribbon Customizations 

Boost Office 2007 security with Information Rights Management, the Document Inspector, and the Trust Center

Customizing the 2007 Office System Document Inspector

Writing to a Text File from within a Macro in the 2007 Office System 

Digitally sign a macro project

Extending Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 with a Single Line of VBA Code 

MSDN Webcast: MSDN geekSpeak: What Is New for VBA Developers in the 2007 Office Release with Stephanie Krieger (Level 200)

Creating VBA Macros to Manipulate Worksheets in Excel 2007

2007 Office System Add-In: Icons Gallery

2007 Office System Document: Lists of Control IDs

What is a macro and why you should care   [Crabby Office Lady]

Find Help on using the Visual Basic Editor

Office 2007 Search Commands Add-In

Using VBA to Format Long Documents in the 2007 Office System in a Fraction of the Time

Introducing the Open XML Format External File Converter for 2007 Microsoft Office System SP2

Pointers in Visual Basic using Undocumented Functions [external]

Extend Your VBA Code With VSTO

PowerTools for Open XML [blog post]




Day 6 – Microsoft Office Word Day

Customizing the Word 2007 Fluent Ribbon is as Easy as 1-2-3

MS Word Team Blog

Building Word 2007 Document Templates Using Content Controls [VH2]

Creating Word 2007 Templates Programmatically

Configure IT Quick: Re-create Word's Font Sampler macro with these handy refinements [external]

Taking Advantage of Bound Content Controls  [blog post]

Mapping Word 2007 Content Controls to Custom XML Using the XMLMapping Object

Data-driven document generation with Word 2007 and the Office XML File Formats: Part 1  [blog post]

Creating a Custom Building Block Gallery for Word 2007  [VH2]

From VBA Macro to Word Add-in

Word Developer Portal




Day 7 – Microsoft Office Communicator/Office Communications Server Day

Microsoft Office Communications Server TechCenter

Office Communications Server 2007 Act 2 -- Er, R2

Top Ten Things You Might Not Know About Office Communications Server 2007 R2

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Library

Office Communications Developer Portal

Office Communicator 2007 R2

Tour of Office Communicator

Office Communications Server Team Blog

Office Communicator Team Blog

Office Communications Server on MSCOM




Day 8 – Microsoft Office PowerPoint Day

PowerPoint Developer Portal

PowerPoint 2007 Developer Reference

2007 Office Resource Kit

How-To Work with Shapes

PowerPoint Discussion Group

Help for PowerPoint 2007

Microsoft PowerPoint Team Blog



Day 9 – Microsoft Office Project Day

Microsoft Project Team Blog

Making the move from VBA to VSTO in Microsoft Project [blog post]

Project 2007 Help

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007

Project Developer Center

Project 2007 Developer Reference

Project Server TechCenter




Day 10 – Microsoft Office Outlook Day

Microsoft Outlook Team Blog

Outlook & VBA : Export contact information to Excel  [blog post]

Chapter 24: Generating Reports on Outlook 2007 Data  [book excerpt]

Customizing the Filing Format for Outlook 2007 Contacts 

Searching Outlook 2007 Appointments by Using a Macro 

Retrieving Recurring Appointments in Outlook 2007 

Office Outlook 2007 Library

Outlook Developer Portal