Web Apps Server Removal from Download Center
As of 11-24-2014 Office Web Apps Server will be removed from the Microsoft Download Center. At that time it will only be available for download under Volume Licensing agreements. For more information please read the FAQ below or visit the site Volume Licensing Service Center.
Why is Web Apps Server being removed from the Microsoft Download Center?
VLSC is best suited as the location from which to serve all customers according to their agreements with Microsoft.
What about existing installations? Do I need to re-license them?
No. Web Apps Server installations and/or downloads that occur before 11/24/14 will continue to be licensed for free viewing.
Will there be an evaluation version for Developers and IT Pros?
Evaluation availability will continue on MSDN for subscribers. Additionally, Volume License agreements allow for product evaluation.
- Anonymous
October 22, 2014
Office Web App - Disponible seulement pour le client de Volume License au 24 novembre 2014 - Anonymous
October 25, 2014
A partir du 24 novembre, microsoft vient d'annoncer que Office Web Apps ne sera plus disponible sur - Anonymous
October 25, 2014
A partir du 24 novembre, microsoft vient d'annoncer que Office Web Apps ne sera plus disponible sur... - Anonymous
October 30, 2014
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