NetDesk FirstLook events - October 2004
NetDesk, a local technology training company, provides "First Look" sessions periodically for a variety of Microsoft technologies. Two of these events are being held in Bellevue, at the Microsoft office. There are other First Look sessiong scheduled, this is only a partial list. Please see the complete schedule.
Netdesk Presents: First Look: Windows XP Service Pack 2
Windows XP SP2 is about security and proactive protection. See how SP2 provides improved manageability of security settings and better security information for users. Get a look at the new Windows Firewall. Find out what this means to you and your end users.
- Bellevue, WA October 21st, 2004 9:00am - 12:00 pm. Presented by Netdesk To register for this event Click here or go to and use event id: 1032260188
Netdesk Presents: First Look: SQL Server Reporting Services
Companies today are amassing an incredible amount of data on internal finances, customers, and other forces that impact their business. However, that data is rarely in a format that makes it easy or intuitive for decision makers and planners to intelligently create and plan strategies for their organizations. SQL Server Reporting Services changes that.
- Bellevue, WA October 28th, 2004 9:00am - 12:00 pm. To register for this event Click here or go to and use event id: 1032260255