Parallel Computing for .NET CTP Released
The Parallel Computing Platform team has launched a new Parallel Computing Dev Center along with our the first Community Technology Preview (CTP) of extensions to .NET for parallel computing.
- Parallel Extensions to the .NET Framework CTP download
- Soma's Blog Post on the release
- Parallel Computing Developer Center
With CPUs going 'ManyCore' instead of increasing clock speed, the need for much better parallel programming support has been growing fast. There have been two camps of thinking, create a new programming language or add libraries and extensions to the languages we already have. The debate has been going on for years at MS Research (heard of C omega?) and both camps are growing. For now it seams the main stream practical use is on extensions and libraries.
Related Resources
- NParallel (A Small Parallel Execution Library, Open Source)
- Hanselminutes Podcast on Concurrency Programming with .NET Parallel Framework (here)
- Microsoft Research's Accelerator: A Data-Parallel Library for .NET that Targets GPUs (here)
- MSDN Magazine on Optimize Managed Code For Multi-Core Machines (here)
November 29, 2007
This sounds a lot like the CCR from Robotics studio. Are the teams talking? ++AlanAnonymous
November 30, 2007
Alan, What is CCR?Anonymous
December 01, 2007
Noah, Here's an article by Jeffrey Richter covering the CCR: ++Alan