
Change agent, change administrator?

Change agents break the rules.  They think on the outside.  They point out the stuff that is fundamentally broken.  Administrators follow the rules.  They make more rules.  They believe that order equals simplicity.

Is it possible for a change agent to become an administrator? 

I've been tempted.  I've thought "if they would only follow the 'new rules' then we wouldn't have this problem."  It isn't true.

We can't make rules to change rules.  A leader cannot 'govern' the way out of a broken situation.  The only way out of disfunction is cooperation, teamwork, and leadership.

So if you really see your role as a change agent, don't enact rules and then whine when others don't follow them.  Get in front.  Communicate.  Demonstrate.  Sacrifice. 

Only a leader can truly effect change.