
Welcome to Tech·Ed Live: New Zealand 2008

Hi All,

From September 1st, we'll be showcasing Tech·Ed in all its glory right here on this website including interviews, presentation downloads, photos and more. To get the full experience ensure you have the latest version of Silverlight installed.

To view TechED NZ Live content, please visit https://www.microsoft.com/nz/teched08/live.aspx#

Going Social

Whether you are using Twitter, Flickr, delicious, Technorati or digg, tag your content 'tenz8' so we can find it. If you are using Twitter follow @techedlive for updates and follow + reply to @tenz8 for a back channel during the event.

Share your Tech·Ed files with each other on Live Mesh. Email tenz8@microsoft.com to get an invite today.
