
New Infrastructure Planning and Design Guide-Now Available for Download

Hi All,

The Infrastructure Planning and Design team has released a new guide, Exchange Online — Evaluating Software-plus-Services. Download the guide here.

We’ve heard your requests, and now we’re delivering! In addition to our continuously growing collection of IPD guides focusing on architectural design configurations, we are now introducing a variation of these guides. This new type of guide is designed to help you make decisions about what’s best for your organization from both a business and a technology point of view.

Considering an online solution for your organization’s e-mail services? The Exchange Online — Evaluating Software-plus-Services guide provides a clear comparison of e-mail technologies across on-premises, standard hosting, and dedicated hosting scenarios. Use the guide as a framework for evaluating the technical feasibility of Microsoft Exchange Online. An overall scoring assessment is provided for each option, identifying key mail services and requirements for your organization. Understand the impact of adopting software-plus-services, weigh the importance of each topic to your organization, and learn which offering will serve you best.

Infrastructure Planning and Design streamlines the planning process by:

· Defining the technical decision flow through the planning process.

· Listing the decisions to be made and the commonly available options and considerations.

· Relating the decisions and options to the business in terms of cost, complexity, and other characteristics.

· Framing decisions in terms of additional questions to the business to ensure a comprehensive alignment with the appropriate business landscape.

Join the Beta

Additional Infrastructure Planning and Design guides are available as beta releases on the Connect Web site. They are open beta downloads. See below for instructions on how to access the beta guides.

To join the Infrastructure Planning and Design Beta, follow these steps:

1. Visit the Infrastructure Planning and Design Beta on the Microsoft Connect Web site.

2. Sign in using a valid Windows Live ID to continue to the Invitations page.

3. Scroll down to Infrastructure Planning and Design.

If you have not previously registered with Microsoft Connect, you might be required to register before continuing with the invitation process.

If the link in step 1 does not work for you, copy the link and paste it into the Web browser address bar.

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