
Exchange 2007 Rollup Update Issues

Hi All,

For those of you running Exchange 2007, please be aware that there are a few issues doing the rounds at the moment when installing the latest set of “Update Rollups” that are currently available. These are Update Rollup 7 for Exchange 2007 RTM, and Update Rollup 3 for Exchange 2007 SP1.

Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2007 SP1 and Update Rollup 7 for Exchange 2007 RTM have been released


The two main issues that are surfacing after the rollups are installed are:

· OWA now presents a blank page to users.

· Some Exchange services fail to start after the install completes.

The OWA blank page issue is caused by installing the rollup with an account that does not have the required Exchange permissions. The account needs to have Local Administrator rights as well as rights to read Active Directory on the Exchange object as well as at the server level. To avoid this problem the account used to install the rollup should have at least the “view-only” Exchange permission in the Exchange organization. Ideally, the rollup should be installed under the same account that was used to install Exchange.

The issue with services not starting after the rollup installs is caused by the .Net framework common language runtime trying to validate two certificates by attempting to connect to the url https://crl.microsoft.com. If the Exchange server does not have internet connectivity then this check will fail and some Exchange specific services will not start due to a timeout. There a few workarounds to this problem which are detailed in the following KB article and blog, but giving the servers (temporary) internet connectivity is the quickest and easiest solution to prevent this problem from occurring in the first place.

Exchange 2007 managed code services do not start after you install an update rollup for Exchange 2007


Exchange 2007 managed services might time out during certificate revocation checks


