
A different type of health networking

I had the good fortune of participating in an Allen and Co. health 'event' last week.   They brought together a small number of entrepreneurs and big company folk such as myself (and spouses) for an intimate few days of conversation, networking and recreation.    Their formula really works for forming relationships and developing deeper understanding of others' perspectives.  They also do an outstanding job with the execution -- so I found it well worth the investment in time.

Given the mix and high quality of folks -- we had engaging and wide ranging conversations with the following tidbits worth sharing:

  • what is the future (and right) business model for diagnostics?    how (and when) will diagnostics dramatically change the health delivery system?
  • how the existing policy framework encourages (forces) entrepreneurs to exploit the mis-alignment of incentives (find the gaps with new middleware type solutions) vs. creating end-to-end value improvement.
  • what will it take to get supply-side innovation and payment reform?  is this even on the agenda of the presidential campaigns?   why not?
  • does the increased use of information technology lead to consolidation of the fragmented health delivery system -- or does it enable 'virtual' consolidation through information networks vs. business organization?    or does it do both over time -- in phases?
  • what form of evolution will emerging markets go through -- as they build both capacity and insurance systems?    what would we advise them to do?  and are there business opportunities for entrepreneurs or big companies only or both?

A funny incongruity, is I learned a lot about the development of a two-sided health specific market in today's connected Internet driven world -- while riding on horseback!